
Cue Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen on the soundtrack.

I hope there’s an entire episode where the Waynes meet a tourist couple from Kansas and their newly adopted baby. Martha should spend the entire episode gasping,“Her name is MARTHA! Just like me! Isn’t that CRAZY?

Perry Mason is a great show. Penny Dreadful was aptly titled.

“No one confesses on the stand,”

But the good news is once you print out the rasterbated Happy Birthday sign you designed in Print Master, you can use the perforated sprocket paper as confetti. 

The other one is so much more interesting though! The MIDI joystick port!!! Parallel and serial ports! Amazingly there is an ethernet port on there and not a modem lol.

Watching with my wife on Sunday evening as the cemetery scene unfolded I said to her “the coffin has to be empty.” Being Easter, the theological implications are like Jesus’s empty tomb.

Have you watched the latest season of Westworld, from Person of Interest producer Jonathan Nolan? Because it 100% the show he wanted to make with Person of Interest

If Perry Mason was on CBS instead of HBO, it’d be awful. But yes, it’d likely do very well ratings-wise.

The last time a computer made me cry that hard, it was the finale of season 4 of Person of Interest. Damn, that was a quality episode of television, and yeah, I’d probably call that Agents of SHIELD’s finest hour. It has everything you could want from the show.

  • Deke is right: Of course Mack would play sax in the band.”

On top of this maybe being my favorite episode (80s homages are my jam), I also have to give a shout-out to the sweetest homage in the episode:

Dammit, Daisy, don’t mention Jiaying to Sousa; you KNOW that Victor and Sierra will find a way back to each other!

Film noir on cable has always been appreciated. Ever since Powers Booth took on Philip Marlowe on HBO.

Matthew Rhys is so excellent in the role. Dude just fits as a worn out P.I. Reminds me a little of Elliot Gould, even; a compliment. It took me a bit to want to watch this series. My brain was mush from the state of the world for something so obviously gritty, but I finally dove into these last two and I like it a

I love Alex, but as a book reader I’m coming in with a hot take.

I wonder if something actively happened to shut down production, since there was a clear plan to have Lyle bring mummies into the mix in season 4 (plus vanessa’s myth was Egyptian), and I doubt City of Angels would have gotten the green light if the original was canceled due to low ratings.

Did you SEE the last three episodes of Penny Dreadful? Talk about eradicating audience goodwill.

The ‘Nazi’ storyline bothers me on a conceptual level. Its telling us our societal problems are due to some nefarious outside source, not a product of our own natures. Its a cop out. I recently read a Japanese novel the placed the blame for Japanese atrocities in WWII on an external agent, a literal dark magical blob