
Glad there were no cemetery surveillance cameras when I was a teen.

Apparently, the schools were “integrated”, but the district had a plan where if you would be a minority in your school, you (i.e your parents) could choose which school to attend. Whites made up 1/3 of the district student population, so they basically had school choice and all attended one school, resulting in one

the court order shows the demos of the two high schools…one is 50/50 while the other is 100% black. There were funding and maintenance issues with the 100% black school. Under the plan being imposed, the schools will consolidate into one big school so that all students have access to the same services. This isn’t your

the court order shows the demos of the two high schools…one is 50/50 while the other is 100% black. There were funding and maintenance issues with the 100% black school. Under the plan being imposed, the schools will consolidate into one big school so that all students have access to the same services. This isn’t your

the court order shows the demos of the two high schools…one is 50/50 while the other is 100% black. There were funding and maintenance issues with the 100% black school. Under the plan being imposed, the schools will consolidate into one big school so that all students have access to the same services. This isn’t your

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We all know how boys play with their toys…

thin you say:

I agree, this indictment of parents complaining is merely the mirror image of the enforced ‘happy mother’ myth from earlier decades. It’s about time parents (mothers in particular) were allowed to voice their frustrations. Parenting is a sublime, not a happy, experience. It has misery, exaltation, misery, probably in

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This white teacher explained it long ago:


What good is thrust vectoring against Godzilla?

It’s actually been shown that within people’s own race, they can usually easily distinguish between each other but not when it comes to outside their race. It’s called The Cross-race Effect.

Okay, a lot of these comments definitely made me giggle, but the whole “HAHA, people of a certain race all look the same” about a whole grouping of people makes me... uncomfortable. I understand my viewpoint may be unpopular in these particular threads.... KBYE.

I like when rich people talk about revolution. Because they’re in no way going to retreat to their gated and guarded communities when shit gets real.

Not even remotely surprised. This is just another example of the negative consequences that stem from the war on drugs and overpolicing of black communities. Legal marijuana grower/distributor is just the latest in a long series of professions from which so many persons of color are barred by dint of bullshit drug