He sounds and looks just as resigned and numb as I feel. This is the eighteeth time he’s had to make this kind of statement in his presidency. Eighteen times. God.
He sounds and looks just as resigned and numb as I feel. This is the eighteeth time he’s had to make this kind of statement in his presidency. Eighteen times. God.
Definitely in his top 10 post-massacre speeches.
Sorry, but none of this rationale would fly if the gunman was christian and admitted to killing in the name of a christian extremist group.
I dunno, The Economist told me their Wahhabism should be cheered, so I think we’ve gotta go with that.
Idk if the motive was explained, but I would love to never see the name Margaret Atwood ever again.
It’s fake. Don’t ask me how I know, but sleep a bit easier.
There’s a whole genre of porn dedicated to women interviewed for roles in adult films, where they have sex with the interviewer and it all gets filmed while a gleeful crawl at the bottom declares “there is no role.” It’s really gross.
White culture = toxic
I think it’s a great question—what makes a social drinker and what makes an alcoholic? I’ve had about 3-4 drinks a day for many years, one at lunch, one at dinner and one or two in the evening before bed. I never get drunk, I never black out, I’m never hung over. I also don’t drink on vacation or business trips. I’m…
I swore I had heard about this case but that it occurred in Ohio, not California. Turns out I had heard about Anthony Sowell, who raped and murdered at least 11 Black women in Cleveland, and not about this case.
“She’s made mistakes” is putting it lightly, but she’s still the lesser evil I suppose, so there’s that.
Souter and JPS were both considered to be part of the liberal wing of the Court.
I have never felt pain like the one time I burned my FINGER. This is absolutely heinous and vile.
Thought the headline said Get a Load ‘From’ This Horse and the article would be about a new fad involving drinking horse semen.
secretary bird, c’est moi!