
I still have several cases of Chateau Ste. Michelle Riesling and Dark Horse Pinot Noir leftover from my wedding (I may have bought 2-3x as much alcohol as I needed by mistake). Chances of me serving anything else this Thanksgiving are slim to none, regardless of what’s actually the best choice.

I usually shrug at celebrity marriages, but this is nice. I wish them much happiness.

I wrote to Socks the Cat and got a card back from the White House, signed with a paw print.

Freixenet is what my best friend sent me for my 21st birthday in college. I thought it was such a classy gift - she sent it with plastic champagne glasses - not the type that are flutes.  That was 19 years ago and I still remember it! 

I keep a bottle of Moet or Piper in my fridge and 2 bottles of Brut Friexenet for when the taste buds are dulled. They are also good for mimosas.

I kept watching the hallway stream during breaks in the session with all these professional women walking around there wondering what this might be doing to them. And all the women staffers. And all the women seated in the hearing room. How do you even go to work in that environment after listening to these guys

(buries druglord with plow)

I can predict – with absolute and utter certainty – that at some climactic point in the movie, a vengeful Nels will be seen using his snowplow to bury and smother the drug lord under a ridiculously vast quantity of the titular illegal Hard Powder.

She has very cool markings around her eyes. 

That’s a good kitty!

The problem is that population density works against us in the Electoral College. 

I didn’t like your first comment but then I Read this and now we can be friends again.

Came for this, left in my flying car happy. I’m glad I wasn’t the only one old enough to have seenGeorge Jetson” at first glance.

When you are purposely trying to get pregnant, seeing other folks get pregnant without trying fucks with your head. Because purposely getting pregnant can take some work. You take fertility tests everyday to see when the optimal time to fuck is, you have to purposely reduce your anxiety levels and that just reminds

Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.

Thanks, man! Appreciated. I’ve heard much worse and I appreciate taking time to follow up. You’re a gracious dude.

No problem. I’m pretty sure The Good Fight got in a “motherfucker” and many “fucks.” I think they’re saving their uncensored for the original content.

The CBS All Access livestream is not a separate livestream. They tap into a network’s live broadcast and stream it. So, no, they couldn’t forgo censoring “fuck” on the livestream through the app as the live show for that particular station was censored. I live in the Midwest and I got ads for the news station in

I haven’t watched big network TV since Parks & Rec went off the air. CBS is top on the garbage heap, in my opinion. Occasionally I’ll catch up on Fox’s animated shows when they’re in syndication, and if I have time for SNL I’ll tune in. But for me, there’s so much more talent and creativity on cable networks - even

Im gonna go with a no on that one