
What’s harmful about it?

It’s difficult to overstate just how awful this speech was. That’s two times now (Republican Convention and inauguration) that Trump has had the chance to stand before a nation that includes many people nervous at the prospect of his presidency and deliver reassuring remarks that were prepared and rehearsed ahead of

REAL men don’t care what other people think.

Makes me recall the Maria Doria Russell novel, The Sparrow, and the music portrayed there (no spoiler don’t worry). Shiver...

Check out Year Zero, by Rob Reid. It turns out, humans are the only race that creates music. Even before first contact, we’re the dominant cultural force in the galaxy. We’re also insanely rich, because the policy of the Galactic Confederation or whatever it’s called is to adhere to the laws of the home planet for

I suspect they can get that from a distance. Why visit if we are sending our best stuff out into space?

In October, when I brought up the Billy Bush/Trump pussy-grabbing tape to my dad on the phone, he started screaming at me for worrying about ‘froo-froo,’ stupid shit that didn’t really matter.. He invoked the ‘lack of men’s rights’ in this country. He even employed the ‘you people’ phrase, and by that I think he

But you didn’t believe me, WHY DIDN’T YOU BELIEVE ME.

Okay, you’re right. That wasn’t cool of me. My bad. But I’ve honestly seen a ton of articles on this story, and she herself is using it as teaser bait for her show, which isn’t a serious show at all. I guess it got pretty easy to feel a bit more....detached? From this story than I was when it first broke. So I kind of

“Hello boys and girls! This is your old pal Stinky Wizzleteats!”

This news hasn’t been ideal for HBO, since they were seemingly content to suckle at George RR Martin’s teat forever.

Medium Italic nibs! I have the dark lilac safari (you ain’t kidding about it being addictive); maybe that’s where I’ve been wanting a little *more* from it! Thank you so much for the suggestion!

I (politely!) demand to know what ink, pen,and nib were used to write this. Also, you have lovely penmanship.

I’m mostly with Julianne on this, but I can accept your writing above. What I don’t get are people lamenting that kids aren’t being taught cursive writing in elementary school anymore. When I do write, it’s only printing. My cursive was always pretty awful and stopped using it as soon as I could.

Pen shopping is an underrated pleasure. Actually unknown to MANY. Alla these high tech heifers be stealin’ pens from doc’s offices, business places, mom’s house.

Yeah. I like modern technology, but there is something really nice about putting pen to paper.

Fuck yeah, Team Fountain Pen! I had a friend in college who would get pissed at the skritchskritchskritch noise they made when I wrote, so he would take my pen out of my hand in the middle of class after ten minutes or so. The joke was on him, though, because I always had three or four in my backpack, so I just

So let it be written, so let it be done.

There’s evidence that actually writing something by hand better encodes it into longer term memory. Also, ballpoints suck. I love my fountain pen, and you WILL pry it out of my cold dead calloused hand.*

Amen. The world doesn’t need anymore entitled little shits with entitled, I can wait forever parents.