Guy here… this close-proximity thing isn’t just your imagination, and it can be extremely subtle, because the predators want to preserve deniability.
Guy here… this close-proximity thing isn’t just your imagination, and it can be extremely subtle, because the predators want to preserve deniability.
On T.K. Jones, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic Nuclear Forces during the Reagan administration:
I swear this is true (at least, from my point of view.)
Be that as it may, rice cookers are wonderful. They are our friends.
Rep. Justin Amash and I don’t always see eye-to-eye, but he has been a constant advocate for Internet privacy rights and many other issues I care profoundly about.
I assume he was already fodder for bookworms.
I’m afraid we’re all facing the Blitzkrieg, like it or not… but thanks.
Forgive me, but I can’t resist reposting this mash-up I did a couple years ago.
Andy, I think one of the best things about your article is the mention of your Grados.
The real Kylie also appeared in Moulin Rouge as the Green Fairy.
This wasn’t my failure, but it was a pretty big deal for the friend whose calamity it actually was.
When you’re the oldest, you get blamed for every damned thing.
While I was definitely a few years older, I was similarly direct with my parents. We had a collection of books from the Time/Life Science Library (which I had begged for in lieu of birthday/Christmas presents) and I searched through them inside and out, trying to figure out how the sperm cell got to the egg.
I will refrain from hyperbole.
Todd and the gang have this concept down. Check out Lysistrata…
A fantastic gift, both for you and your partner(s).
One word, four syllables: vasectomy.
“Puppet? No puppet. No puppet! You’re the puppet.”
Why, thank you. Your answers:
Can you tell by the pixels?