Steve Kerr agrees with your comments about MJ.
Steve Kerr agrees with your comments about MJ.
Where was congress during any of this, though?
Figures the Jezebel crowd would blame Biden.
They should have pulled out back in 2013. There was never any clear end game with the US presence in Afghanistan. Sometimes it’s just better to admit you lost and accept defeat. That decision should have been made long ago.
I would argue that if she dominates the individual event two days after sitting out the team event, that will not help her legacy.
Yo I know that shitty fucking town, and I know *exactly* which University this shitty-country typa asshole would have targeted in terms of Greek life and relative fuckin Alma Mater. But I think the incel ain’t do it yet because there’s two things about that University he’da seen on his little scouting…
I’m honestly convinced her life is the result of a lost bet at this point.
The country didn’t try to elect trump. A portion of it population tried. Less than the majority each time, it should be noted.
Wasn't the King Alien pissed because they played the speech over the final episode of"Single Female Lawyer"?
I feel sorry for whoever was in that helicopter that crashed during the epilogue to Infinity War — they would have blipped back into existence at whatever altitude they were at 5 years prior, only with no helicopter around them.
WTF is this? If this wasn’t a planned thing I won’t believe it.
Twitter is garbage and you shouldn’t use it, but I can’t help but notice the irony that Twitter did exactly what Twitter would have to do if Section 230 had been repealed...
Oh for sure! At least they had to deal with survival of the fittest. Stupidity used to equal death, now it’s a lifestyle.
I mean how good can a character be if they decide that their love for a person is more important than another person’s life, which is exactly what she did for the most of that movie when steve trevor took over the body of a living person.
If we’re hanging our hopes on Ossoff and Warnock, that fight is already lost because of men like Manchin. We can’t hope for 51-50 because Manchin won’t vote D when it counts no matter what letter sits next to his name.
Well, we all know what happened to the KKK dudes who took the bait? Spoilers for a 46 year old movie....
Germany and Japan after 1945,” truly a remarkable analogy. “It’s not dark yet, but it’s getting there,” he warned.
Madame Tussauds in Berlin updated their Trump wax figure, placing the lame duck president in a dumpster festooned with garbage bags, a MAGA hat, and tweets.