Unfortunately, this clearly screams of Jezebel being on the herb chopping block.
Unfortunately, this clearly screams of Jezebel being on the herb chopping block.
Just wanted to post a reply to say this SNS post was well done and had some fun content to read. Much better than the typical one paragraph phone in job. Thank you Megan.
We tried that...now we can't comment on Deadspin and Splinter is gone. The Herb doesn't give a shit, sadly.
Shout out to Cinci! Only visited once and completely agree with your assessment.
A portion of your statement is true. Wild Wild West proves Time travel is possible because it clearly does not apply to Salma Hayek.
“...after the likely advent of a Republican majority in the Senate post-midterms.”
Singapore has entered the chat.
The one thing that makes me laugh. Other than the obvious everything else that makes me feel rage at these 8 “Moderate” Dem asshats, is this.
How about Sexy Sax Solos?
Don't forget the SCUBA divers.
WTF!? Someone take this out of the greys please.
HEY! Lindsey was using that couch!
Wonder Woman raped a guy, full stop. It boggles my mind how no producer/writer/actor/director/key grip (/s on key grip) thought this was a good move. I'm just dumbfounded by the creative decisions in this film.
Troll. I’ve noticed your shtick the past week. You’re the Herb right? It’s the only way you can always be insta-ungreyed across the different sites. Bring back Splinter and real Deadspin you prick!
Tucker Carlson's new Dominatrix perhaps?
Not scary, but very interesting. How funny would it be if our species genuinely created a talkative doorway to the afterlife by way of a boardgame? I personally don’t think one exhists but I’m open to new information. I just wish people that used the boards asked better questions.
As a 6' 7" man. This image haunted me. I find it so strange yet so interesting that such a simple image causes the same feeling that I had of Arachnophobia as a child.
THIS! Ever since 2015 (and even a bit before) when they started the Trump/Garrison story arc. Trey and Matt absolutely take sides, and I have been here for it and love it.