
I came here to say the same thing. It’s also an anagram of “Ayn gig holed.”

also “egad ho lying.” 

The quiet religious kid with a gal back home in a WWII movie. He doesn't make it.

She sucked during her time at Jez fwiw

My Cock will be there for the greyz.

What maked Gawker so good wasn’t the stories or defamation or writing or blackmail.  It wasn’t the good times everyone had or the bad times we all went through.  What maked Gawker so good was... us.

Maybe they could grey the entire House and then quickly ungrey King again.


Dyson slats. Mars will pay for it, too.

Hitler had walls. Check and mate.

This actually sounds like a great idea. And it gives me the excuse I need to later kill Nick Nolte’s dog.

genuinely can’t wait to hate watch this on edibles in the middle of the day and laugh like de niro in cape fear.

I bet my 3 year old pees the bed less than Trump.

The strategy is intentional to channel that sex energy into violence. 

Yup. Little incel man babies, all of them.

I’m a Jew and every time I see someone like this shitbird, all I can think is “how is it possible that they think they are genetically superior to Bar Refaeli?”

It’s always fun to dunk on America’s Wang, which has far more than its fair share of problems, but I don’t really see how a legally-mandated recount triggered by a minuscule gap between candidates is an example of it being “the absolute worst when it comes to things like ‘democracy’ and ‘being able to do a single

Call it a fucking failure, got it.