The lead tip of the bullet, pushed out by the blank charge, scratched the bottom of the shopping bag before perforating Lee’s navel, and managed to puncture the stem of the aorta where it branches to provide blood supply to the legs
The lead tip of the bullet, pushed out by the blank charge, scratched the bottom of the shopping bag before perforating Lee’s navel, and managed to puncture the stem of the aorta where it branches to provide blood supply to the legs
You've offered Wikipedia (not a journalistic source) and a Telegraph article that made my point. But hey, it's 2016, so I guess Google makes you not stupid?
Yes, you taught me that you think a "fragment" and a "bullet" are the same thing because they came out of a gun. Just like a human cannonball. Or a BB gun.
Which would also cover "fragment."
Nice edit. Go lay down, your mom's feet are getting cold.
Then how are you getting it? Do you have an assistance animal?
Notice how it distinguishes between dummies, blanks, and REAL BULLETS? IN YOUR OWN LINK. You started this conversation about it being a REAL BULLET. Then you link something very clearly stating it was not a REAL BULLET. I may know jack shit, but I know how to read. Do other people tell you you're stupid or do they…
Because a dummy round isn't made of lead, you-fucking-moron.
You are correct that it doesn't matter, but they are completely incomparable, and had you kept your shitty attitude out of it we wouldn't have to be discussing it. By your logic the fact that a projectile of any kind caused a death makes it valid. So why not post a picture of Bonnie and Clyde, as they are the same…
No, you trust Wikipedia as gospel, Hawking. It clearly says fragment of a dummy round. As for the fragmentation, you do realize that even full-force bullets don't fragment when they fire, right DeGrasse Tyson?
It very clearly states a "fragment", reading champ.
Oh and hey, go fuck yourself!
Yeah, I'm an idiot for going off the DVD commentary. And boy you showed me! Now this makes complete sense!
What an odd connection to make. At first I thought "Oh so you're saying the spirit of love's vengeance killed this woman." But THEN I understood that you were referencing a completely non-related 25 year old incident where a prop gun firing a blank launched a tiny piece of debris into an actor and accidentally killed…
Umm, look at his mustache. He looks like Dick Dastardly. Of course you call the cops.
Best thing about the ability to dance in Destiny. The spontaneous "fuck it let's all just dance."
Those dudes suck.
A-friggin-men. It's meant to be fun. I watch my son play games like LoL and it's just SO MUCH anger and toxicity. It's worse than COD. I don't enjoy deliberately raising my own blood pressure or bumming other people out.
First thing I thought too. Fuckin' Schreier.