
Three things: 1) Rather than bother with some dumbass explanation like this, why not just go with "because alien?" 2)This explains why Sideshow is having a sale on Superman stuff today and 3) My cousin Scott was born on leap day and is exactly the kind of dick that goes around telling people "Hurr Durr today is my

More like Full Blouse! GET IT?

Kanye could name his next album "Star Wars is better than the Bible" and he'd still be the king of all douches.

That actually looked pretty fun.


Yeah I had it on Normal. I'll be changing it now but at level 57 it doesn't matter that much.

It’s... a possibility? If that’s the default setting, anyway. I don’t think it is. I’ll be right back.

I almost never use my PA. I have a workshop at Sunshine Tidings Co-op that looks like Tony Stark's. I think 13 different sets. And maybe seventy or so power cores. It has been brought to my attention (because I'm stupid) that maybe I should increase difficulty. Kinda moot now, though. And I'm damn sure not starting

I honestly don’t know. It wasn’t until this very comment thread that it occurred to me “why don’t you just turn the difficulty up, fool?”

I bought the SP. All the FO3 stuff was good, so I went for it. By then I'll have all the perks pretty much.

When I first started out in FO4, I felt like they had finally gotten it right. I was terrified of any encounter. But it took until maybe level ten (and I think I’m being generous here) before I was a remorseless eatin’ machine. And now, at level 57, I can’t find anything that just me and the Deliverer can’t handle.

And now I have my probably least favorite Rollins Band song stuck in my head.

They're comedy gold.

Not long, but the reactions were always priceless. Absolute disgust, disconnects. Occasionally someone would find it funny as hell, though.

My former wife and I used to drink and play this, and it was hilarious. She was really hot, so our gimmick was that if a room full of guys started asking for boob shots (or worse) she'd play along, moving the camera close enough to obscure the picture and potentially be whipping them out, only to re-focus on my balls.

The Dark Knight Returns should be on this list. It was already an amazing story, and then they added Robocop’s voice.

Honestly, aside from the flimsy-ish folding, it's a damn good headset.

Honestly, aside from the flimsy-ish folding, it's a damn good headset.

Right? He’s crying!

The next room is filled with stupid ODIN dicks in their cheap rip-off turtlenecks.

I watched it today (still haven’t watched Totoro) because of this article. Maybe it get’s lost in the translation, but it was a central plot point in English. I also don’t see why this movie is so revered. Spirited Away is this beautiful, magical thing, but this one seems more popular.