
This was exactly my point in the other article. I think he’s more worried that people assume Level 2 and Level 3 systems mean drivers can ignore the road. I'm sure he was more personal against Tesla than necessary, but it's still an important point. My guess is that he's most upset with Tesla because they call it

I would amend that slightly. Mr. Victor is saying that Level 3 Autonomous driving shouldn’t be branded the way it is because it gives the false impression that it can safely handle any situation.

I don't like the move 90% of the time, but the other 10% it happens to a Busch...

Free tires for life, of course!

Sergio: “It’s a win for everyone.”

"Sit down! Back in the tub! Back in the tub! I’ll plunge this into..." erm... oops

I'm completely with you. I was responding to the people who are convinced that 1 hour refueling/recharging time after 300 miles is no big deal on a long trip.

Agreed. I’m seeing all these comments about how 1 hour every 3 hours is no big deal. Are you kidding me?! I make 2 stops when I drive from VT to TN, with 10 minutes at each stop. So basically, they’re saying that it’s no big deal to turn a 16 hour drive (1 long day) into a 21 hour drive (nearly impossible in one day,

I would prefer: Share and take a mustang to heaven... *SHARE*

I said nice price because, well, it's April Fool's Day.

I'm pretty sure that's a potato, dude.

;-) The yokels appreciate your retraction.

She was driving back from Florida. She contracted Foridiotitis.

West Tennessee... I'm pretty sure you don't want to give up UT.

All of the stars to you, friend.

That sounds like an accusation parsed from an Inspector General report on Sexual Harrassment.

Perhaps I should elaborate

“We don't need no cruise control!"

I'm sorry, but you're saying that's the "real" Highlander? I mean really, who says There Can Be Only One?

Mandibles might be the best word for the front end work I've seen. It's more accurate than jowls, IMHO.