
What will people miss if Gawker Media goes under? My top two, in no specific order, are definitely Jezebel and FoxTrotAlpha, with Deadspin and Gawker itself coming in distant third/fourth.

I was thinking that I like this story because it involves three good looking young people

Jesus Christ that’s a huge baby bird. I didn’t know they hatched already bald.

Don’t forget Jews! They will now make up 44% of SCOTUS while making up less than 1.5% of the American population.

What is commonly referred to as cornrows, or as the Post refers to as boxer braids (look at the pictures in the article!), originated in black communities. White people have been braiding their hair like that for decades, especially after vacationing in the Caribbean, but the problem with articles like the Post’s is

Our military presence, sadly, is not going anywhere. Japan likes to be secure that we will help them if big bad China ever actually starts firing missiles to take control of the islands that China and Japan contest. Nobody, however, wants a military base in their backyard, especially when it is host to foreigners who

Sigh. These incessant deflections to “Christianity is bullshit too!” are sooooo tiresome. Duh, the youngest parts of the Bible were written centuries before the Quran, and unsurprisingly, also includes some stuff that you’d expect to see in a millennia old set of laws. If you bothered to read a history book, you’d

I don’t know if I’ve made my idea clear enough. Basically, imagine the US and the Supreme Court. You’ve got guys like Scalia who champion originalism. Originalism includes the views of many founders who not only were 18th century patriarchs, but also owned slaves and wanted to restrict the vote to white men who owned

I agree with you in that Islam was a product of 7th century Arabian society (influenced not only by both the Byzantines (Christianity and Judaism) and the Sassanids (Zoroastrianism), but of course by the culture of the Hijaz). Where I don’t believe we see eye to eye is in the idea that, regardless of what you believe

Again, I think you’re right and you’re wrong. Since Allah allows slavery, it makes it hard for man to argue that they have to right, knowledge, or power to prohibit it, because it could imply that Allah was wrong to allow slavery (saying Allah was wrong is blasphemy, punishable by death under the overwhelming majority

As someone who has studied world history and Islamic Law, I think you are partially right in that the atrocities of ISIS are not derived from Islam, and Islamic societies across time have had a wide range of diverse viewpoints (never fully implemented) that, like Christianity, range from rank barbarism to civilized

Was it the lack of tattoos or the lack of felonies?

I expected it to be a complete joke, and it was corny and weird, but I ended up coming away pleasantly pleased.

I feel like the general rule for bald men is that you will look better if you are either heftier or more muscled. Skinny bald men are an odd sight.

I think part of the reason is that Bill Cosby stars front and center of The Cosby Show. He is visible in almost every scene. Someone can watch Chinatown and have no idea that it was directed by a person who would be arrested for rape if he ever set foot in the US again (Polanski).

The ring wasn’t given back to France, it was purchased by a private individual with a boner for French Nationalism.

I wish we didn’t give humans such an inflated sense of self-importance.