
I agree, I’m sure playing a historical figure is way more fulfilling artistically than getting caked in green paint to play an alien or wearing a motion tracking suit to play a different (CGI) alien, so I’m sure its hard for her to pass up.

Saldana is definitely not blameless. She is starring in several major blockbuster franchises (Guardians of the Galaxy, Star Trek, Avatar), so she isn’t starving for work. She chose this role and it’s on her to understand the dynamics behind it and the blowback she might receive for being cast as a dark skinned woman.

I still remember getting made fun of constantly in middle school when my mom accidentally bought me girl’s shoes to wear. Men, but especially teenagers, will make fun of any boy that resembles a girl.

Putting a psychopath behind bars for manslaughter is not mass incarceration. If it can be proved that she knew that her messages might push him to commit suicide and that it was wrong to do so, she should be incarcerated no matter the reasoning behind it.

Yea, I thought the idea behind his intro was solid but he went on for way too long. Kind of like the Oscars in general.

Lady must have been one tempting octogenarian. I would’ve thought that the dudes who made up these rules would’ve had an exemption for grandmas.

I agree, her actions were terrible and counterproductive, especially to the students with legitimate complaints. I need to learn to add a /s

I agree and think that is probably why you have no problem with her being fired. I need to add the /S

Her rationale was that minority students protesting injustice should be given safe spaces in the public areas where they are protesting, and therefore should not have to answer to the press.

She’s a liberal supporter of minority students and shouldn’t ever be held accountable? That’s quite possibly the only “reason” to consider her dismissal unreasonable.

Greece has withdrawn its ambassador to Austria, who led the recent 9 nation decision to close borders to all but Syrian and Iraqi refugees. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/3…

Now playing

Your comment made me think of this well done video

ScoJo has the hottest voice in Hollywood though, so I would pay to listen to her say pretty much anything

If it couldn’t go out the other (because it wasn’t there), wouldn’t the idea have stuck in his head?

Christie was absolutely ruthless to Rubio on Saturday, and I loved it.

I don’t know if I agree with the first part of your statement, but Hardy was definitely the best part about The Revenant. I thought he had a more difficult part than Leo, except for getting raped by a bear.

Haha, no I’m far from innocent. It was my own spit cup, so I guess I deserved it (although if I ever chewed in public I used a bottle with a cap). I haven’t chewed in over a year, but I can still imagine the taste of the spit cup...

Be glad that you never absent-mindedly grabbed one to drink out of…and actually took a sip

IDK, if you want to see absentee fathers, forget going to the city, look to the suburbs. Tons of fathers in the burbs just wait for their children to grow into Men who they can talk to about finance opportunities, their personal portfolio, and the latest IPO; not about anything a growing human would actually want to