
I remember reading a WWI history book that talked about the reparations discussions after the war. Those discussions included the value of each soldier lost. The winning allies actually got economists to state something akin to the projected average monetary contribution to society of each soldier killed (taking into

I remember reading a WWI history book that talked about the reparations discussions after the war. Those discussions included the value of each soldier lost. The winning allies actually got economists to state something akin to the projected average monetary contribution to society of each soldier killed (taking into

Is “I want him to be my Grandpa” the new “I want to have a beer with him?”

Hopefully her daughter avoided getting her mother’s judgment ability

Boooo! (+1)

she really likes the word extraneous

I watched the Big Brother clip where she told New York about the death of “David,” and it was either well produced or she is a cold narcissist. I’m learning towards the former, but it still doesn’t speak well of her.

People should have a right to know which restaurants practice unsafe food preparation. That’s why the video got here via the local news, because the local news wanted to let local people know that Waffle House employees recently were caught washing their hair in the kitchen equipment.

If all you say is true, then there is still an option. Waffle Houses have bathrooms.

more like proto-Freys

But also understand that if you sell the house for $1.00 to a friend, then their basis in the house will be $1.00. It will be increased with improvements to the house, but if they end up selling the house (for say $500k) a few years later, they will have to pay taxes on the $500k - ($1.00 + any

Is there a reason to do so?

“[She will] not [be] Caucasian,” he stressed. “I’d be open to any ethnicity.”

I think it would’ve been appropriate to show more boob during the national anthem. But I’m just a boy who thinks with his penis, so...

Some newspaper actually put out a list of the grade-level reading comprehension required to understand candidate’s speeches. Trump was last by a lot with 4th graders able to understand the meaning of his speeches. Huckabee, of all people, was top on the list with, I believe, 10th or 11th grade reading levels required

I don’t discuss my mom’s boob job either.

so original, so daring

doesn’t that mean it’s good?

If you are interested in the migrant crises, or European politics in general, you will understand that the story is not going away and that the actions of “progressives” is both undermining support for refugees and jeopardizing European Union policies in general. General primers on the issue, from liberal publications.