God, that reminds me of when my middle school basketball team’s starting five were Danny, Marty, Sammy, Benny, and Mikey.
God, that reminds me of when my middle school basketball team’s starting five were Danny, Marty, Sammy, Benny, and Mikey.
That’s what’s (not) funny. That attitude is predominant in a lot of Arabic cultures, especially ones still infected with tribalism. The same cultures that have been fleeing to Europe. But apparently nothing is to be done and to talk of it is Islamophobic and racist.
I said that Jews say that Jesus contradicts God because God said there would be no more prophets after Malachi. Jesus gives affirmation that he is the Son of God through both Peter’s Confession and the Transfiguration. Non-Trinitarians and Muslims say at least that Jesus was a prophet, while some Non-Trinitarians and…
I have an interest in it, but have not studied theology so I’m not sure if I can adequately answer your question. In general, I think there is less focus on her for non-trinitarians because she is not the Mother of God, but rather the mother of a divinely inspired or created man.
Yes, and they may view the issue differently. However, an Evangelical University, believing in the Trinity, would disagree.
There have been, with sects that believed that Jesus was a mortal man, not God, but infused with the Spirit of God, or was actually not man, but pure Spirit. Your friendly neighborhood Jehovah’s Witnesses reject the divinity of Jesus and therefore the Trinity, but believe Jesus was the only directly created creation…
My understanding is that all three worship the God of Abraham, so on a basic level she is right. It is a lot more complicated than that though, with vast differences about who God is, how to worship Him, which teachings of which prophets exemplify a Godly life, who is actually a prophet of God.
Waluigi had great court-covering abilities in Mario Tennis64, when of my favorite characters to play with. However, he was not as good as my spirit animal, Shy Guy.
Hey now, I’m sure Chris Harrison is fine with redheads. He probably even has one redheaded friend! In reality though, red hair > all other possible hair colors/combos.
Footage of Leonardo DiCaprio shortly after his breakup:
If you’re into the stock market, purchase stock of gun manufacturers, ammo manufacturers, etc. Gun sales are going to skyrocket, and your pension fund, if you’re fortunate to have one, is probably going to cash in anyways so you can ignore being morally offended.
I’m sure there is an obvious answer to this question, besides taking the factors of time and distance into account, but why do the refugees take the perilous water route to Greece? Turkey, where they are already at, and who apparently has no qualms about them leaving, borders both Greece and Bulgaria, two EU nations.…
he is sneaky fast and deceptively quick.
Is that you, Dark Helmet?
The snow near Milwaukee was the worst snow ever to shovel!!! I think two elderly men died shoveling yesterday, it was so heavy.
Buzzfeed posted a pic of pre-fame Harrison Ford working as a carpenter. He was hot, but not nearly as hot as he was in the gif at the bottom of the article…
Slavery existed throughout the Islamic world up to the 20th century and was eliminated primarily through a combination of Western economic/military pressure and creative interpretations of Sharia. It has received continued, if decreasing, support from conservative scholars, often with justifications like “how can man…
I don’t know how anyone can read the Quran and look at Islamic history and not say that it allows slaves. Slavery existed in pre-Islamic Arabic society, like pretty much every society at that point in time. Islam limited slavery to non-Muslims (at the time of enslavement) and gave slaves “rights” that had not existed…
I’m sure the Russians would love to make an appearance (as the Orcs?). Maybe throw in the Swedes as some Wood Elves and probably some Americans just because, you know, it’s a war.