Just two armies?
Just two armies?
That’s odd that you avoid topical steroid creams after seeing what prolonged use can do to skin, but continue to use tanning beds knowing what their prolonged use can do to skin/health…I assume you’ve been able to speak to a dermatologist about this, but it would definitely be worth your time if you can afford it. I…
Agreed. I don’t know why I’m telling you this, but I just thought it was bad form on Joanna’s part not to include that information.
Democrats aren’t looking especially bright either, as 19% of Democrats polled would support bombing Agrabah as well. Man, America, we are so dumb.
His angle is the idiot’s angle
Correction needed: Dustin Diamond is going to jail, not to prison. There is a huge difference.
A lack of spatial awareness is a most detestable trait to have.
In Birmingham they love the Gov’nor, boo hoo ooo
Now we all did what we could do
Now Watergate does not bother me
Does your conscience bother you?
Tell the truth
15, 20, and 26 weeks are common gestational limits to abortion. Nordic countries generally have a limit of either 18 or 20 weeks; France, Germany, Beligum, and Cuba, all have limits under 15 weeks. The difference between most abortion allowing countries and the US isn’t the week limit, it is the availability and ease…
People, my brother hasn’t saved off his Movember beard yet!!!1! Is he now a Mooslem??!!?!? Do I have to check his kids for suicide vests when I take off their coats at Christmas!?!?!?!
Which media do you refer to? It’s on the front page of all major news websites, and listed as Cop Guilty of Sex Crimes. Crimes against POC, and especially WOC, are not given the same coverage of crimes against WW, but this is not one of those cases. Although you may be right in that the coverage focuses on the…
Beer and whiskey. Cheers to the prosecutors who locked him up, and hope for the women that were abused, assaulted, and raped.
Ahh, you are experiencing fremdschämen - it’s a German word meaning “external shame,” where you see someone in an embarrassing situation and feel the embarrassment vicariously, or to be embarrassed because someone else has embarrassed themselves (and doesn’t notice).
So Rachel Dolezal is Egyptian?
Why? They were mined from Potosi, in Peru. They were mined by a mix of indigenous slaves, African slaves, and Spaniards. They were mined in a legal colony of Spain, by Spanish business interests. They were being transported upon Spanish ships from Peru to Spain by the way of Colombia. Colombia’s only interests in this…
Two narcissistic assholes start dating…it does not go well.
Chicago has been such a poorly run city for decades. Its government is in the pockets of Unions and has shown no desire to remove itself. I hate to sound like a Republican, but when your government depends almost exclusively on Union support for election, there is no functional difference between you and a Koch-backed…