
The American legal system is a perversion of what it was intended to be (and that was even a perversion, since it allowed for people to be property) because the privileged will always have a stronger chance to rise above the rule of law. However, in this case, 3 of the 4 rapists are black and 1 of the 2 released for

I’m not sure I’ve ever had more than $4k in my bank account that wasn’t slated for rent, various debts, utilities, groceries, etc., so I admit I’d consider sucking the Sultan’s dick for $300k (if it were tax free). But I don’t make tens of millions singing wonderful love songs before performing for the Sultan who is

I’ve read a few Wellington biographies, and many of his closest friends pre- and post-Waterloo were women. He didn’t fancy his wife at all, and he was a fairly young and hugely successful person at a key moment in British history, so he had quite a few admirers. It is always hard to tell who he was actually

Because the important people are puppets. If you read President Obama’s comments, Hillary Clinton’s, Republicans from Ted Cruz’s to John Boehner, they are the same comments that have been said after every domestic tragedy since 9/11. No frank talk about race, gun violence, poverty, mental illness, or anything, has

I agree that calling the whole 1793-1815 conflict “Napoleon’s War” is incorrect. It is the easiest term to use. “The 22-Year War with Several Interruptions and a Multitude of Causes,” “The Monarchy’s 10-Year Anti-Revolution War Plus Napoleon’s 12-Years of Conquests War,” “The Monarchy’s 10-Year Anti-Revolution War

Ahh, my favorite Roman punishment, damnatio memoriae. This guy is deserving.

So there are benefits to dating a tinnitus clinician?!? I had never really wondered why I struggled to understand dialogue in movie theaters, but now I’ll have to read about afferent nerves and the auditory system! :) It won’t stop me from seeing Jurassic World tomorrow though!

Its definitely a visually stunning movie not matter what. The only time 3D really impressed me was the first time I saw Avatar. I enjoyed Fury Road more the second time because I knew and understood every word that was being said. Do you ever have trouble understanding movies in theaters the first time you see them?

Twice too, both in 2D but one time it was in an awesome UltraScreen theater where every seat was a LazyBoy recliner. That was awesome!

Dances gets a ton of hate for beating out Goodfellas, but I like it as well. I also like Waterworld, but since I struggle to think of a post-apocalyptic movie that I dislike, I don’t think my support can count for much.

Whaddaya mean, amuse you? Like a clown or something?!?!

Don’t worry, I took the LSAT three times and somehow, miraculously, was hungover each time.

Throughout watching GOT, along with various other prestige dramas, I’ve noticed that murders, rapes, tortures, betrayals, and general unfairness had only set my blood to simmering, let alone boiling. However, the terrified, hopeless, betrayed, tortured screams of a truly innocent character was almost more than I could

My experience with beer pong rules is that, if there is contention, default to the house rules. Or, alternatively, spray the party with gun fire.

Now playing

It’s always fun to compare Seinfeld and Friends. I vastly prefer Seinfeld because it is closer to my personality type (I’m a horrible person). The final scenes of each really sum up the differences in tone, plus Larry David’s “You suck, I’m gonna cut you!” is one of my favorite line deliveries ever.

This is a very sweet story. However, I’ve been drinking, I actually love military hardware, my favorite “nope” gif has recently been created, I haven’t read many objectionable stories on Jezebel tonight, and since imaginary incest is bad(?), nope.

“I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla... you will ride eternal, shiny and chrome!” I have never seen a more ridiculous, absurd, hilarious, awesome line in a theater before. I saw the movie first by myself, then with friends. After the movie, all I wanted to do was get their reactions to that line.