Whatever. Hopefully his sisters find some solace from this. Just so we all agree though, he is equally disgusting as Lena Dunham, right?
Gulp. Also, Goddess of the Grey, I don’t know how to get the “click to reveal” thing to go over this video, so please put it over. thanks
Apparently not an uncommon fetish. I don’t know how I’d explain it to a kid, but I don’t have any kids so whatever. I’m totally more concerned that she doesn’t have any gloves are knee pads for sanitary and pain reasons.
So he is Lena Dunham?
Human asexual reproduction is an incredibly interesting idea. Sci-fi has made attempts at imagining this. Would geniuses only be allowed to reproduce, would sociopaths, would ideas progress, would children rebel, nature vs. nuture, basically every question that has ever been applied to humanity would be applied to an…
I believe the Irish Potato Famine is a good explanation. Most of the tubers that were taken from South America and planted in Europe were extremely genetically similar (tubers are wonderful because you can pretty much cut a part of a potato, plant it, and it will start to grow roots). Thus, there was an extremely…