
Hi Jason, you are all pretty great, but I think I’m done w with G/O. I wish you all all the best, although sadly we both know the truth. Love, RS

I love them

Sorry G/O Media is such a garbage company!

Sorry your company sucks so bad.

I could see Ash being a Gotham City villain. Singular focus. Lifetime of failure. Not the weirdest gimmick Batman has faced. I’m ready for this cross over.

2 thoughts

“Same” - Coldplay

How dare she!

Next can we do it with James Harden?

Is a dachshund a sandwich?

What is wrong with you all? That is a pikachu.

They better hope that there is no chat system that accompanies broadcasts of their events. Uh oh

I don’t know that they have ever really been bad about censorship in the past, so it isn’t a surprise. Don’t feel bad, they still suck.

The Krusty Burglar is already dead

Xi is a fucking psychopath negaverse Winnie the Pooh

It is working like holding your head underwater works as a way to get bees to stop stinging you in the face 

Like say “I will have Mr. Giuliani give you a call and I am also going to have Attorney General Barr call and we will get to the bottom of it. I’m sure you will figure it out. I heard the prosecutor was treated very badly and he was a very fair prosecutor so good luck with everything. Your economy is going to get

Not a great take!

If you are having a hard time imagining what a civil war would look like it is your neighbors and family members shooting at each other and being shot. Basically imagine a loved one, and picture part of their body missing, but then the tissues from that missing body part are spread out on the ground and nearby objects.

Great article. What is the expression? There is nothing safer than a trapped animal? I get why so many commenters down here are having the time of their lives.