
“he came pretty damn close”

Thank you for your valiant efforts to not sound an alarm over this

Wishing everyone a safe and happy civil war!

But Chinatoooowwwwnnnnwaaaa!

Does Zelensky go back to Ukraine or just move into Trump Tower?

I didn’t even read a word of this article but I bet it is about how Dem congress think Ukraine is enough to impeach with but really we shouldn’t ignore everything bad Trump has done and so that is bad. Counterpoint, this is enough to impeach with and that doesn’t make the other stuff not have happened.

Did you write to your congressperson? 

This is bad!

Sorry Stephen. That love is eternal, and will outlast even you.


Space Hog is the most underrated 90's band. They aren’t the best or anything, but that wasn’t the question.


True, and now that I think of it, the boss of Demon Ruins being at the start of the area seems like another possible callback.

Came to make fun of Chalices and see they are praised!? Also you got a Chalice dungeon in DS3; it was called the Demon Ruins.

Four Jokers!

Didn’t he die in Benghazi? 

I try to be positive, so I’m positive that fuck the police.

Does he even exist? I’m not convinced.

So she just gave us all the step by step approach to get her on the gun control side of the issue: shoot her and her children. Not even a sick joke to make here or anything, she just said it.

As GGreenwald said, “won’t somebody think of the resort guests!?”