
I would think you were joking, but you won the “likes” game, so I guess it’s a more popular opinion.

Alcohol is historically connected with beating women and children too. They may have reasons for this nonsense discrepancy, but it is still nonsense.

Except of course for the DLC, which were  the best parts, making the argument an unstoppable force!

If you are friends with billionaires it is easier to murder them. Be friends with billionaires.

Free to play or free to pay? I just made that up!

I heard one time in Florida he had this local DJ/dance crew leader fill in by wearing the mask. Pretty tragic what ended happening to the guy he got to fill in though. RIP BortlesFan420!

Yeah, don’t feel bad, just buy 3 copies for friends :)

“Corridor Leading to Hell” from Magician Lord. That game looks great, sounds great, plays terrible, and will end with you murdered by cat people. Again changes to hell, nice guy.

First thing I did when I bought a Wii U was beat Zelda 2 using save states. Second thing I did was beat it without them. After 25 years maybe my ultimate redemption.

Dark Souls 3

Who could have predicted such a thing?

I watched the Simpson’s Attack of the 50 Foot Eyesores short from Treehouse of Horrors VI. Seemed apt. APT!

Blaster Master may benefit from the Special Save treatment even more.

I just want a randomizer

If he is lucky he will never play in the NFL

Back buttons!

Back buttons!

Competition for Steam is good, but isn’t it going to be bad for these not-giant publishers to restrict themselves from multiple stores? Just in a bottom line sense, aren’t they are going to lose money?

Sorry, but why is 70’s Robert Plant in that picture?



Gotta find that dad, Pokemon!