Apt Simpsons Quote

Okay, I have caved. Does anyone know of a different site that is as good as AV Club used to be? I am unfavouriting this site now.

Agreed. They are my favourite part of his books. I am not even kidding. Crichton gets criticised for his views but the best gift he ever gave us is reasoning to think outside convention. His books, and I would put State of Fear at the top of this list, are wonderful for that. I don't think that SoF is by any means a

Hodge. Not Hodges. HODGE. HODGE!!!!!


Blood for cream! Blood for cream! Blood for cream!

Is Suzanne ready yet?

Hello, I'm George Cauldron.


Favourite. Joke. Ever.

My feet are dirty. I need to wash them.

There's a dooin's a-transpirin'!

Psychopaths are the new sex symbols

And that squirtle was promptly lynched.

You mean "Meep Meep?"

(25 years from now)

… Leaving us relatively dry.

Sounds like that kid was Mad About SHOE!

That sounds like witch-talk to me.

I guess that you never watched Airwolf

Milhouse likes vaseline on toast