Apt Simpsons Quote

I suppose now, we have female singers… Female motorists…

If I dunna save the wee turtles, who will?

Uh oh. I smell another cheap TV crossover.

Why not a new series about what is BEHIND the shield?!

She's funny. But not ha ha funny.

Can you open my milk mommy?

That's your advice?!?! Go to bed!!!

Is it gummin' yer after?

Who likes the Doobie brothers?

How did a lion get rich?

That was so 1991

I sleep in a racing car. Do you?

I can't see any cameras.

I have to break character to say that it is John Hodge and not Hodges.

Just hook it to my veins!

The dinner level on Dinner with Andre.

Pumpkin segregation forever!

He's still funny but not ha ha funny.

Well, McGarnagle, Jimmy is DEAD! They slit his throat from ear-to-ear.

Mom, Fastbak's smoking!!