
Normal guy, normal income. I need some recommendations on a somewhat practical 4x4 SUV-ish vehicle that's pretty reliable, doesn't break much, isnt expensive to fix when it does, and isnt too horrible on gas. Must be able to take a beating from time to time for offroad adventure but also be practical around town

What do you even mean. Why not come right out and state what you mean instead of using thinly veiled, vague comments about the "changeover" and "reap what they have sewn'

My heart goes out to the innocent children, women, and men who are being impacted by this crisis. ISIS needs to be stopped, obviously. I do think though, that the US position on supporting a Shia government in Iraq after previously having supported Saddams Sunni government vs Irans Shia lead govt is, at best, hard to

And you don't know the difference between your and you're.

You know what I dont wish that on her... this is horrible but unless its absolutely proved that she did this on purpose, i should not be passing any judgement on her.

Although it's not clear how Hubbard broke into the home (according to reports, residents leave windows open all the time) (WHAT???),

While I don't disagree with what you said about this woman at all, and I feel she should suffer the same fate as her pet....and while I have never forgot a pet or my child in a car, I understand how it can happen. Sleep deprivation does very scary things to the human brain and I have experienced serious, freaky

we got a bad ass ova here



Wins the Internet for the day

Imagine trying to explain this story to a starving kid.

I cannot believe that people actually use real world money to advance in a game like this. I agree, you do have a problem, and should maybe get a life, or professional help. I am sure the game is fun and all, but wtf... sorry.

Yes and maybe allow the rapists to be raped by chimpanzees hopefully.

I'm guessing the fathers of these aholes are also meatheaded testosterone filled jackasses who taught their sons how to be "real men"

I definitely agree that kids were more innocent back then, but even with todays kids growing up a lot faster and all the exposure to crazy stuff, its just hard to believe that 12 year olds are capable of this. I have a 12 year old, and I cannot fathom how kids that age can make this leap. I'd like to meet their

It's all fun and games until one day when his face gets eaten off.

Creepy, but weren't they 15? 12 is a lot different than 15 when it comes to murder, in my opinion.

Jony Ive with hair.

who cares. Regular guy with no degrees here.