
This is gross. You can spin it any which way you like, but it's fucking gross. Dunham is not, by a long shot, the only well-known person who has spoken out about body image. This is not the same as Redbookgate; you're specifically targeting a person with whom Gawker media and its community have some weird love-hate

"do you take this man to be your lawful wedded rapist?"

So it's a problem that Jez is not being problematic? You're disappointed that they haven't disappointed you in this instance?

Yeah, I don't understand yards. Why is it not all concrete? What's the point of grass? Why should I maintain it? It doesn't make me happy. What would make me happy would be parking more cars on it. Come time to resell, we'll have saved enough on lawn mowing, gas, fertilizer, etc. to just lay sod over it right before

My husband and I are not a poly couple, but he would 100% absolutely show me if his increasingly hostile, wacko friend sent him dick pics. We would laugh in that freaked out kind of way and try to figure out how to handle it and then make awkward jokes about it forever after and also hope the friend doesn't murder my

True. That one time our gay, cross-dressing, truck-driving, heroin addict house mate got really coked up and sent me dick picks, I told my girlfriend about it. Cause damn, my life may not be amounting to much, but at least I'm living in a Lou Reed song.

If one of my guy friends sent me a dick pic, I would show it to my gf. She would probably laugh then want to know what the hell is wrong with said friend.

I think a normal assumption would be that he told her. It's an unusual enough occurrence that a person would probably mention it to their SO.

While that is funny, you can run on a broken foot. It is still not something your doctor would recommend.

No offense (jk..I mean all of the offense) you're an idiot.

Well, from what I've read it was a bit more than just having a compartment. It was a solenoid operated hidden compartment that was popped open by pressing a non-standard set of buttons (they commonly are things like holding up on both window switches then pressing the lock button). Additionally, the car had enough

The whole point of Microsoft trying to bring the tablet and desktop OS closer to each other is precisely to push for the adoption of Win 8 as a mobile OS. Microsoft is trying to capture the mobile market, but they were too far behind already, as many were already deeply invested in android or iOS.

If they expanded the Start menu into something like that I would be on Windows 8 like white on a North American politician.

My sister did this. She was a stay-at-home mom but one day, after a particularly brutal day with my newborn niece, her husband complained that dinner wasn't on the table and wanted to know why because "after all, what do you do ALL day?" So, she proceeded to show him. By not doing it. She didn't pick up after him,


I wish I had radar for guys that do this crap, because I know I don't and there are probably too many dudes with 'sexy' pics of me as it is. I don't think I've fucked any of them over, but one is probably so angry with me for breaking things off (when I started noticing how aggressive and demanding he could be) that I

Ran out of time; this was the best I could do with your composite request.

Kermit the Frog even sings a song about this guy, right? Or am I misremembering?