Random Monk

Not a joke. I’m 80% convinced there was a special -possibly local?- 40 minute edit of the film that ran as an ersatz short / double feature.

Could you show me examples of these shifting generational definitions, please? The ones i’ve got seem to be the ones i’ve bene reading for decades.

omg do you wnt me to retype that post, or can i copy-paste my last comment, or can you just reread it?

Especially if Robb’s dropping out of the Seven Kingdoms could be argued to be a legal procedure when the Seven Kingdoms are not ruled by a ‘really’ lawfully-succeeded ruler. Sorta like the Sedevacantist argument.

I’d put Stanis as Lawful Neutral, and Roose Bolton as Lawful Evil. Not very very Lawful, but still putting real stock into succession and such. Littlefinger would be Neutral Evil, using whatever (the rules, or chaos) as the ladder to ascend; Ramsay Bolton would be Chaotic Evil. Chaotic Neutral, probably Bronn, maybe

Ephemeral concepts can still carry meaning. Baby Boomers were subject to a kind of propaganda and conditioning quite different from the propaganda and conditioning that Gen X got, and the propaganda and conditioning from internet media from childhood for consumerism and homebody timidity that the Millennials are

We never saw alternatives to capitalism in practice; we saw alternatives to democracy in practice, that curtailed civil liberties in the name of a false socialism. We were heavily propagandized against anything but what we got, however, and later generations haven’t gotten the ‘capitalist’ propaganda as much as the

The majority of the US population are Boomers and Millennial’s, so they get all the press.

The line passed beneath Louis CK about 11 months ago; it’s hard to say where the line moved now. That the line is in the ample geography ‘between Woody Allen and Bill Murray’ isn’t very clear.

a humormage.

I hope Maci becomes a recurring character in subsequent seasons.

Nobody mentions the priest.

You see the technique when John Oliver metaphorically reaches out, clamps Dustin Hoffman’s nipples, and wrenches them around? That’s called “the Oliver Twist”.

Thumbwrestling Corner: i just won 4 out of 7 vs Rajeev. Tiny and Flex are in Hour 2 of their Sudden Death Round. All the dogs and cows were eliminated in Round 1, i still don’t think it’s fair we make them pay for Entrance Fees when they don’t even really understand the rules.

I think you began to know but got scared.

White Aztec Merlin disagrees with you

But the Assassins weren’t Ninjas, they were guys with swords.


...right??? But i remember a telltale bemusement, young as i was

I’m left with the non-impression that mr McLevy wants me to believe that my attitude towards Beyonce + [irony] equals what i read here - [irony] ergo he and i feel the same about Beyonce.