Dick Cheney still the worst to me.
Dick Cheney still the worst to me.
I’ve boycotted all Gal Gadot media until she addesses the Palestinian problem, and her role as an Israeli spokesperson and former soldier.
combined with behavior of other episodes, we see a larger pattern that transcends character drug use.
And yes, I get vocally cranky when the AVC makes basic factual errors in newswires on other topics, which is far more common than it ought to be.
Come on. I’m a librarian, and we are insanely sanct—
Dear Louis CK,
Don’t you be conflating compulsive masturbation with sexual assault, you RACIST.
ima gonna shut my brain for a second and assume that anybody who works with their wife as Day does, hasn’t compartmentalized their life enough to be a predator. Innocent Monk.
Came for this, leaving happy.
I can’t anymore say my biggest ptoblem with this show is MacFarlane; he is who he is.
for taking control over his genital discretion, i would hope they name new laws aftr Terry Crews. Call them the Crews Control and Auto-body determination.
I was going with “my friend’s dad who used to be a bank manager, who despite owning lots of hunting rifles and ranting about keeping his home safe from ‘the Ruskies’ in the 80s, surprsed everyone by being kinda cool when his son came out”
....who could have avoided this timeline’s problems and saved all these women from these situtions by simply pronouncing it “SAY-gal”.
Monkey Boy, you piss away your good will around here by saying stupid unsubstantiated shit like this.
Wait, tell us it’s okay because of an event in your past.
“The ‘ments” is a poor nickname for “The Replacements”. Inasmuch as you’ve snagged a pretty anonymous suffix there, signifying nothing.
She’s chameleonic, some of her best roles were when she’s almost imperceptible. ‘member her in Apocalypse Now? Hypnotic.
The former has planning, preparation and a denouement, by definition; the latter, only circumstantially.
dude are you TRYING to make us jealous
and yet any counter-pedantry backlash can f*ck its own mother also
.... or worse, an unpaid Kinja commenter.I love these $20 half-days, i couldn’t imagine being here for free.