you always been keeping your finger on the pulse of America. In my opeanion.
you always been keeping your finger on the pulse of America. In my opeanion.
you always been keeping your finger on the pulse of America. In my opeanion.
you’ve always bean keeping your finger on the pulse of America. In my opeanion. Too bad you listened to your mother and became podiatrist, scraping corns off people’s feet.
do me a fava: you be you
(Spike Lee furiously retweets Paul Schaffer’s home address)
I personally love Gina, and Chelsea Peretti is on the show because she is in an incredible writer and comedienne.
errrrr..... this gesture was meant to emasculate Crews.
wait... “grin and bare it”?
Some film exec grabbing Terry Crews balls in front of his wife, and grinning, is the real-world analogue to when the Fantasy Villain has his abused servant shave him with a straight razor to show how thoroughly he has broken him, to what degree he dominates him.
There’ nothing in that hazlitt article you linked to 3 times. What do you want us to read?
She went on the record. Sais he wasn’t the guy. Not sure what else you want.
they say that, but i assume Patton Oswalt will continue to exist in the consentual reality through the entire month, claims of Netflix exclusivity notwithstanding.
that reminds me, happy Canadian Thanksgiving everybody!
Yeah, I’ve met a lot of teenagers, and I never met one who went out of his way to write an editorial trying to prove Hispanics are dumb. That’s not some teenager shit. That’s some this asshole shit.
That makes sense, tmage
somebody pressed the MaximumEphemera button on the side of the AC Club, thats for sure.
as did that car at the end of that movie, amirite
“Rick and Morty’s Dan Harmon, what are YOU doing here!!?!!?!”
in a freight truck, yes
Music is much less twee here, too.