Random Monk

either way, honestly. I enjoyed this show more than most fluffy shows, and there is something to be said for the way these surprisingly-charismatic actors grew on me, but i’d imagine jumping in anywhere and enjoying what came out of it equally.

i see little likelyhood that this is a Simpsons quote, 39 seasons notwithstanding

your mother is a multi-etc

ooof, do i have to watch this to find out who gets shot, then :(

omg gender-flipped reboot with an all-male cast! BRILLIANT

did you not notice that children never died in horrific accidents before the miracle of heart transplants would redress the balance?

Thing is, that’s so... weird and pathetic, it would be unacceptable except for the “but everybody else is doing it” selection bias.

Just gonna call her Liberal Megyn Kelly.

When i want to follow celebrities, i do so by drone. Sometimes they go out of range, but that’s what you get.

Every single living saint in every country says Trump is 0% smart and the GOP is an impotent band of mummified millionaires.

these check-ins are the Cinema Sins of the AV Club. need bell .wav

also, inhuman

i choose D “None/ neither”


It’s mediocre fare. It’s fair to call mediocre fare ‘mediocre’.

What i wanted and expected was aware of the failutes of TNG, and redressal of same, not homage and repetition of same.

As a teacher of mine said, “if you set out to copy a great performance, you can never be anything better than second-best.”

What do I expect from this show? Something fun and interesting. Something as much a product of its times as TNG was a product of the 80s.

And its silly to copy an 80s show, beat for beat, like

“Are Jews white?”

-anonymous White House aide, wondering where the shit will fall

upvoted for “rim shot”

I had no idea. Why so coy?

11:50 SNL sketch?

You mean 12:50. Your provincial time zones confound easy understanding.