
Ujiri: Mr. DA do you like Imagine Dragons

I came into this intrigued by what Lo Duca had to say, and I’m no fan of Country Joe, but they did their homework before suing him, and it sure sounds like he’s full of shit. That begs the question of why he made up something that could be easily verified? Attention? Stupid, if so. And now it’s gonna cost him.

Oh shit. I’d say he’s got about 24-36 hours left with the team. 

While I didn’t think it was possible for this to be even worse than it was, now it appears he deliberately targeted the reporter and has been going at it with her about Osuna and domestic violence for a while.

+2 pages stuck together

Honestly, surprised it wasn’t a vape.

Taubman was holding a cigar

Username/comment synergy is always greatly appreciated.

“I am a progressive and charitable member of the community” - Harvey Weinstein Jeffrey Epstein Brandon Taubman

This is more embarrassing than my unintentional smear campaign against Sports Illustrated when Kathy Ireland was on the cover.

Darnold: Shh! Listen! I can hear the ghosts now too.

Also, Jack Evans once called him to berate him for writing that Nationals Park was being built with public funds; the dumbass argument Evans made repeatedly during his phone tirade was that all the money used to build the stadium, a tab that eventually hit about $1 billion, would come from new taxes implemented

I’d like to take this time to offer my condolences on the fact that you can no longer drink.

I know they haven’t played anyone good except the Bills, but it’s still worth noting the Pats are on pace to absolutely shatter their own NFL record for point differential in a season (+315 in 2007, currently at +175 and on pace for +400).

Don Jr. Jr.?

Can you direct me to where the line forms to punch this walking penis in the face.

“Taubman, a former fantasy baseball expert and investment banker...”

His comments had everything to do about the game situation that just occurred and nothing else