
Some people are like that. They can be genuinely kind, smart, engaging individuals in relaxed settings, but any sort of competition turns them into raging assholes. And with professional athletes, competing with millions of dollars at stake on the biggest stage, it’s even more extreme.

He’s kind of like the Richard Sherman of the NFL in his wavering between smart, thoughtful, outspoken guy and complete asshole.

Draymond Green’s a dick-and-balls-kicking asshole but he’s also right a lot of the time. For every can’t miss prospect like LeBron or KD or Zion, there’s a dozen guys every year who have the potential to have long, productive careers in the NBA and never get it because they don’t land in a situation that’ll help them

My son called a hail mary on every play when we got a XBox and Madden for Christmas, because it worked for him playing the mobile version against AI on it’s lowest setting. I intercepted him four times the first time I played him and my wife made me let him win after that. 

A great negative review is just phenomenal to read. In talented hands, when the author is allowed to stretch and have fun, it can be a work of art.

Reminds me of the Repus Bowl...

Miami is just playing like a team that lacks porpoise. 

Fun Fact: Reading this article gives you 1 credit toward your general education requirements at Southern New Hampshire University and the University of Phoenix!

Tremendous teamwork

This is like replacing your beige Corolla with a beige Civic.

Beats the Dolphins’ strategy, a mix of button mashing and disconnecting the controller.

For fucks fsake, fyou fguys fsure fknow fhow fto falliterate

Did Washington just run a linebacker over to the left side on every play? Because it sure looks like they just expected every play to be a left side screen. It’s like watching a 6-year old play Madden: One of these days this play that keeps failing is going to work!

The blocking on those screen passes is ATROCIOUS. Like instead of hands they have flippers.

Peterson finished with 118 yards rushing on 23 carries, and he fumbled on the two yard line

In today’s NFL, who’s to say getting the slotted guaranteed money for the No. 2 overall pick and retiring to your native Hawaii as early as possible isn’t “success”? Go home, Marcus, and don’t look back. You’ll be 26 years old, rich, and local hero.

Excuse me but Chase Daniel is the epitome of Mediocre QB™ thank you very much

Yeah, but let’s be honest, mediocre QB is a complex concept in the NFL. There are teams like Chcago or Buffalo who would probably kill for a mediocre QB at the moment.

Thing is, I never saw him or Winston as NFL caliber QBs.  Both had major flaws in reading how plays diagnose in real-time, and could be inconsistent throwing the football to boot.  This limited both guys upside, as they would alternate between good and bad stretches of football.  They are, simply put, mediocre NFL QBs

It somewhat sucks as Mariota is supposedly one of the coolest dudes in the NFL and the kind of a guy you just wish success for. Maybe that was the problem and he wasn’t crazy enough to be a great QB.