
He's what stupid people think a smart person is. 

A wiser man than I summed him up best- Gladwell writes books for people who don’t read books.

Simmons: Right.

Wasn’t there a game where Eli was working on a game-winning drive when he slid to stop the clock, and his slide was so bad he landed on the ball and it ended up being a game-losing fumble? 

I will remember Eli for four things:

The Hall of fame question is valid, thats very much up for debate. But asking “was Eli Manning actually any good” is actually an incredibly stupid question. Yes the guy was good QB. He has a .500 record and won two super bowls with two of the greatest playoff runs in QB history. You don’t do that by not being any

The Giants don’t deserve Saquon Barkley.

I like to think of him as a better and more consistent version of Jim Plunkett. The problem with Eli was the organization allowing a certain segment of the fan base to overrule common sense and extending his career a couple of years past where it should have been. If you’re a real Giants fan and not some Francesa

Most coaches don’t coach to win.

He lasted these last few years as the starter primarily because of the organizational and cultural defects that define the Giants, a team that reveres good and bad traditions equally and holds a grim patrician stodginess as its central ideological tenet. They didn’t want to change because they never really want to

The anti-analytics streak in football (and previously in baseball, although that’s mostly been beaten to death in the majors) really is weird. I get coaches being conservative because it’s easier to notice someone screwing up than just going along with the groupthink, but you would think that owners, who probably all

This ages me massively, but The Cult were a very underrated rock band.

The most underrated band of the ‘90s was Poop Towel.

Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.

with you on Bush sucking (band and Presidents!) but dear Lord Live is a steaming heap too. I ALONE LOVVVVE YOU, get over yourself, shitbag.

made this year’s NL all-star team

This is better than my comment

In his defense, he was told that, after the season, there’s a chance he could go back to the minors.

don’t have sex with kids.  can not stress this enough

Additionally, Vazquez allegedly sent the victim text messages suggesting they would meet for sex after his baseball season was over.