
The complaints that Dee Ford should have been warned by the official that he was lined up offsides late in the 4th qtr of the AFCCG are so ludicrous as not to be mentioned. The dude fucked up bad, and as shown by his sideline quote, wasn’t remotely aware of it.

Tyreek Hill will probably get a massive contract extension later in the season only to nullify it when he punches a blind person.”

55 yards is such a bomb straight off of turf. Man or woman.

So are we just conceding that tackling is not a skill we require in kickers?

You can hear me?!

Uh, Hem?  This may be redundant, but this IS an Arby’s, and you’re just screaming at your meat station.

I heard Ray Lewis’s voice when reading this.


Football is the perfect sport for America because it’s manufactured tribalism that allows us to blather a lot of meaningless nonsense about fake combat none of the fans have any actual involvement with, while scrupulously hiding all the real-world consequences and in the process making a handful of billionaire

Nate, your ability to take abstract concepts in an unfamiliar environment and make them tangible for a reader is impressive.  Only the worst imbeciles on the planet are going to think that your writing is overly dramatic here.  My experience with pain and mental anguish in football is right in line with you and I had

My heart goes out to your family, too.

Huh. He doesn’t look Japanese.

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

That’s literally the definition of journalistic ethics. They don’t let Amazon being a sponsor influence their coverage of Amazon. The way to do that is to separate advertising and editorial. If Amazon wants to pull their ads because of a story, that’s on them. (Side note: Gawker doesn’t, you know, technically exist

Sometime next year...

Mostly empty and tasteless, inherently uncool, but somehow passably gets the job done. And it will make you sick if you have too much, which you will.

Adam Shefter is definitely the hard seltzer of sports reporters, so this makes sense on that level.

They tried this with Darren Rovell, but they couldn’t create a baseline for the pulse readings.

Maybe it doesn’t apply to Schefter or Woj, but I suspect this is the only way reporters will be able to make a living in 5 years. 

Don’t even need the opium for the first 30 minutes after the injury. Back in my freshman year of college I broke my leg playing a pickup game of football and played another 45 minutes assuming it was just a sprain. Hurt like hell just walking for 3 months afterwards.