While fucking. Any dolt can do it beforehand.
While fucking. Any dolt can do it beforehand.
Your username is ORLANDOMAagic91 but you’re also the type of person that refers to the Lakers as “We”?
Never left? I can count the number of those little Laker car flags I’ve seen in the last five years on one hand. And I’m Jason Pierre-Paul.
Counterpoint: Uruguay’s rough-and-tumble style coupled with attacking royalty is fun to watch. Or would you rather the various “frauds” stick around and pass it around in pretty patterns with no end result?
It’s MORE than OK, Chris! The Caps’ annual collapse isn’t hilarious until fans set aside their fatalism.
Congrats to the Golden Knights for setting the world record in “quickest to becoming insufferable fans”
America was never as good as you previously thought it was, and it’s not as bad as you currently think it is.
I honestly think this is a great idea that will be strangled in its crib.
Are we sure she actually petted the dog and wasn’t just examining its suitability as a future coat?
Generally, yes. But as amongst the state’s three largest metros, Columbus is inarguably the least dire.
I still don’t know how many DB techniques Fisher taught him.
I think Rovell is reading the contract incorrectly.
Man that is messed up, and right after he shoots Richie Incognito, I really think we need to take his guns away from him.
When you woke up this morning, did you think of yourself as someone who would call the teenaged survivor of a mass shooting a liar on the internet, or are you surprised to learn that about yourself?
As an avid hunter and someone who owns guns these types of situations piss me off. Why can’t we have some tighter controls on guns? Why cant we expand the background checks? I cant stand the NRA and refuse to join them because of how extreme their stance is. Work with people to find some sort of common ground instead…
If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.
Maaaaaan. How does this shit get out of the grays? It’s not even gimme humor. Anything to stir the shit, dooshnozzle here is only partly to blame. I give all involved the dirty finger for lazy insensitivity. You can’t even be a bigot correctly. Bring it or don’t.
I don’t think this was a conscious decision to lose the super bowl
Until its: