
Maybe the solution is to have bigger vehicles that can carry more people in one go through the tunnel. If it’s really high volume, maybe link the larger vehicles together in a chain so that they all travel at once all at the same speed.

It was Granddad. But yeah, who knows. Maybe he’s just from another time when we used to trust people

Let’s not kid ourselves that this isn’t (at least in large part) an opportunity for good PR for Frank Kent MC.
Still, motives aside, good on them for stepping in to help out.

Fuck it. I NP’d it too. If it’s cheap enough I’d buy and drive anything.

I never quite understood all the hate. These aren’t great cars but lots of perfectly serviceable cars aren’t great. In a world filled with anonymous, look-alike crossovers and SUVs in fifty shades of gray, the PT Cruiser’s cartoonish looks at least dared to be different. And the drop-top ramps up the cartoonish to

How much for one that wasn’t specifically designed to prove that money can’t buy taste?

He’s not keeping his paws at 10 and 2 and he’s barely watching the road at all but he’s got pretty good lane discipline. 10/10 would trust this Doggo to Uber me to work and back.

Let’s count the reasons why this is a bad take:

Yeah, my NA Miata is keeping its ICE. $10/gallon for synthetic fuel will be inconvenient but not world-ending when it gets 35mpg and needs about 5 fillups per year.

I’m going to have to point out that the Honda Fit has been doing the alternative cup-holder thing for a couple generations now - and doing it better. It’s right there, next to the steering wheel. Easily in reach and taking up space that would otherwise be wasted.

I once had a boss who worked seven days a week.

Syd Mead called to tell Hennessey to suck it.

You mean I won’t be asked if I’m in a car every goddamn time I launch Spotify on my phone?  Yay!

Yeah I am sure you’re right, but i just want to share a story that is a little more optimistic.

I get that my album centric listening habits is probably an outlier nowadays but I don’t understand why albums would play oh shuffle by default. If you picked an album to listen to I imagine you either want to listen to it in its order or you’re probably picking specific songs to play. Though I guess it helps foster

I think it’s time to remind all those people that just because you can’t smell it, doesn’t mean everybody else can’t.

GPS would be non-existent (along with those systems dependent upon it),”

Isn’t the GPS system in much, much higher orbits?

Keeping your vulva clean from urine, menstrual blood and sweat is normal hygiene.

I get both sides. As someone not vaginally blessed (coin-purse cursed? dong doomed? man damned?) but old enough to know how things work, I am more than willing to admit my junk acquires the funk throughout the day. Even during a nice lazy chill work from home day in my perfectly comfortable 63 degree office. If there