
Not fun, but fun

Could be, but (temporary) loss of taste and smell are also common cold and flu symptoms.

Jason, I find you entertaining and do enjoy your strolls in odd cars etc, but leave this alone. This all started with Valleywag, and Jalopnik has kept up the pace since with you at the forefront.

“something was perturbing Uranus”

Your new faucet will most likely come with one of these to use during installation:

On topic. I am a man, and I trim off all the hair in my armpits.

As a dong doomed? man damned? (thank you @The Network is down), who’s path has crossed quite a few vaginas, I have never encountered one that required more than lurk warm water for refreshing.

Tesla is aware, and have told the customers up front that this nonessential, easy to add (perhaps even by the owner) at a later point part is missing?

Good news, you not being sure does not change the fact that you are wrong.

This appears to be a non working solution for me and them as well.

The hat covers the Neuralink connection.

Coal is bad, end of story.

It is a little tricky.

Antidepressants may be good for those that are depressed.

Re-listening, Ashlee Vance’s book, from 2015, on Elon right now.

It is all down to religion based culture, that semi approves of ownership of women by their husband. (Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc. No real knowledge about others)

You got it all wrong. The car will become self aware and kill everyone.

The major drawback for the Lightning connector is the build up of lint inside the socket in the phone. It will fill up until it will no longer connect and have to be cleaned with a plastic tooth pick.

Right, have seen that check box on the webpage. That makes sense.

Why is he not satisfied with having started the global transition to electric vehicles and having the best product on the market?