
It really hurts that the 99% percent are taking your toys away.

the single most impactful individual of our lifetimes.


Going all EV is only half the solution.

Maybe I am the wrong guy to judge here, and maybe not.

I may be wrong here, but is your 3SR not the fastest charging model from Tesla?

Y chromosome writing here:

We do it in large scale, and it works fine. I think you are forgetting the whole: drilling, pumping, transporting, refining, transporting and loss in the ICE, part of our current process and it works very well.

A quick glimpse into the future for those who are interested:

Like everyone, in the US does, when they need H2.

No they do not.

This is hilarious.

But perhaps the biggest issue is the fact that hydrogen could enable us to stick with the same fossil fuels that we’re trying to eradicate. In other words, if hydrogen turns out to be scarce and we still have a combustion engine in our car, we’re likely to just turn back to gasoline.

For those suggesting more/bigger guns.

If, and since you are an american, it is a big if, you agree that we should go all EV ASAP, having available chargers could be an incentive to go ahead and buy an EV.

Dear Joan.

Luckily, sane people, via a thing called democracy, will stop you from purchasing an ICE car in the near future.

Now that we can all agree that physical buttons must come back.

Danish police are trained to shot a leg in this case. It will stop most people doing whatever they are doing and in all cases slow the person down.

Tatra 97, right?