

And this solution fixes only 1 out of 5:

Meanwhile in Europe

Autonomous cars or BMW (now Audi) drivers.

Good to hear

A few comments:

Excellent. A clear sign that the major manufacturers have realized that the public majority are interested in quiet electric vehicles.

All you need is love....

This is the only way you will be allowed to drive a classic car in the (near) future. And it is all okay.

Easy question to answer.

Why would you want gears in your EV?

This was a factory option

This is why I am pleased to see all the other major manufacturers jumping on the band wagon and building EVs from scratch. Nothing wrong with ICE based EVs, but EVs built with battery/hydrogen storage in mind from day 1 are just better, as Tesla has clearly proven.

Advertising is 98% bullshit.

It is pure and simple. The creek behind my house has run dry this summer. That has not happened in the last 68 years, according to my neighbor.

Fiat 500, a great car?


Tardis, a star trek reference.