
This is actually a case where I would have expected a robot to outperform a human.

Added a rubber band between a loose zipper and the button in my pants to keep the zipper from gliding down all the time.

As far as I am aware, the engine actually meets (2008) all emissions standards in both Europe and Americas.

Products like these is a great example of why we have and need governments.

So cliche it hurts.

Wearing a ring will do the trick.

One of the items described with the word supercharger is a charger.

So you have to decide, are you a sentient being with the abilities to make your own decisions, among these what you eat?

Paint steelies white -> instant 1994 rally car.

Such a novice.

There are two reasons for buying an Alfa 4C.

How to increase market share.

Usage pattern 1:

I know why you are doing this, and I am all okay with that. He is vain, and his vanity will eventually bring him down.


What I really like is that you could swap the engine for something with sub 100 hp and it would be an improvement on all fronts.

Jezebel is the place for this question:

Why not both:

Ah, a proper French car.

Now playing

100% agree, but do watch this crash test of a 1982 Volvo 240.