
Okay, I visited Shanghai and found the young people to be quite tall. The youth in Beijing must be giants.

If by smaller you mean leaner (as in not ridiculously fat) then yes.

You’ve got yourself a deal:

Here are my thoughts based on my daily commute on a bike that lasted way too long.

No need to run all the numbers, go to a Bike and Coffee meet.

It was actually a rhetorical question, aimed at making people think.


Here is what 10 years of biking has taught me:

As I tell my kids:

This. 100%.

The difference between you and a grade 1 asshole:

Yes, it allows for a wider and taller door sill. A wider and taller door sill can be used to make a stronger tub allowing for better handling.

This is stupid.

I was getting to doubt that Christmas would come this year.

Did not read article, but you got that all wrong.

I prefer the Jaguar crate engine:

No need to give the European cars a year. The models typically span 7-10 years, with a facelift in the middle.

Lesson learned: Do not agitate either Iphone or penile compensator owners.

Here is a Ford F150, small penis edition:

Now playing

I was hoping this was about VW making EV upgrade kits for old models, starting with the beetle platform (bug, thing, van, buggies etc)