
You should get help. Not kidding.

Punching nazi dick is some mighty precision work.

Why not, as long as it is automated.

“I found myself in fourth gear before even hitting 35 mph.”

I always check the latest test from ADAC (General German Automobile Club) before I buy tires and pick the best in test. Beware, they test for northern European market. You must have something similar wherever you live.

Dear Jennifer, please stop smoking.

I paid extra to get my latest car without a touchscreen.

My dad and our neighbour replaced the transmission on our station wagon (pretty sure it was a Renault 12) and everything was alright until they started it up and it had 4 reverse and one going forward...

Still beats the PT CRUISER

I read this in George Carlins voice.

Search for AMT (Automated manual transmission). Quite popular in India, and becoming popular in Europe.


Dear asshole.

Trying to think of the number of children dying of malnutrition in central Africa due to the effects of global warming.

Rims, 9 out of 10 cars would be just as happy if not more so with steel rims.

One could vote cp, but is it really worth cashing in your jalop card to do so.

Only if you voted for agent orange.

Beige aside.

The first few episodes will simply be James May and Mark Evans disassembling one or more of the vehicles that Evans assembled in the TV program: “A Car/Plane/Bike/chopper is born” in the beginning of this millennia.

Did not get your headline until i read the latest addition to “The journalists DICKtionary”