
Large scale hydrogen production via electrolysis is above 60% now:’

As a response to: “Where exactly do you think that hydrogen is coming from?”

That is a very clean way to make hydrogen and it is much better to both charge batteries and create hydrogen.

You are either very ignorant, very stupid or both.

Remember the guy who assembled a kit car, helicopter etc, over a full season.

I wonder if other factors than country of origin may be more relevant:

Very much dependent on the vintage and perhaps region (safety bumpers), the Lagonda is one of the most beautiful cars ever made.

You must never have driven a diesel powered passenger car.

You are obviously a mistake.

What, who, when...wait..

Do you know of anything, anything at all that would limit a woman’s capabilities in space compared too....let’s say a man!

1. What is wrong with your cars?.

The last time anyone anywhere owed a veteran anything was after WWII.

Toyota, Renault, Citroen.

Just like Renault and Toyota has been doing it for more than 20 years?

.08, we had that back in the last millennium.

My dear Raphael.

They do have training sessions on the same route every week. These are even worse because they are unorganized = missing safety personnel.

Quite common among us poor folks.