
I hope Mercedes enjoys having to self-insure all of their cars, and having their high-end major loss bond backers raise rates, as well as seeing very painful margins on the claims they will be paying through the nose on when the autonomobiles start whacking pedestrians.

The truly stupid part is that this is not even

Meh. My gut check says insurance fraud.

“You might find out that you’re a British car lover, or even a Volvo person.”

Regarding the ambulance story, I will never ever buy any vehicle formerly used by a first responder, period. I occasionally have to write police cruisers, ambulances, and the like and they are all but universally in the “ridden hard and put away wet” category. By definition of the job, they are ridden hard because

Good on ya. I’ve found that to be the case more often than not. Once or twice I’ve had a desk adjuster argue with me on totally a butcher block of a car and proceeded to really dig their heels in once I explain why it needs to go. Usually the desk adjuster cools their jets when I start describing the smell and how it

It’s something that comes up in my line of work here and there so I actually have to be at least aware of it. Most normal folk have no reason to know, but it is good to know nonetheless.

Easily the most amusing video I’ve seen on this site.

You can invoke the good samaritan defense and it will stand up in court. You were doing your level best according to your judgement in a time of crisis to help mitigate further trauma. Same as if you administer first aid and accidently make it worse. Good sam laws will protect you.

While consent is not required to film you, as stated above, the rules change once it is entered into public record, be that by the police using it as legal evidence or by the police publishing the video publicly. Then consent matters. Again, this varies by local.

Lessened expectation of privacy at walmart IS implied

Please note that this is NOT a defense of Mcrory. He’s a douchebag and can go fuck his hat.

Not saying there is a constitutional right not to be filmed, but the idea of implied consent runs through this discussion. When you go to walmart to buy fritos, you are giving implied consent to be filmed because they have cameras everywhere and signs stating as much. When you use a computer at work or in a government

I average about two death cars a year, some worse than others. And death cars, in this case, refers to a car in a loss in which a fatality occurred, not necessarily a car where someone was killed because of the loss itself.

I’ve written death cars where the person was killed in the car, where the car struck and killed

Carrying a slung rifle is not brandishing. Put your hand on the grip and finger outside the trigger guard is. About half of these fuckweeds should’ve been nabbed for brandishing.

So basically drive like a motorcyclist. Like a safe motorcyclist. Okay, like a safe motorcyclist that obeys the speed limits and isn’t a douchebag.

Indeed. It is a trade-off. The difference is effluvia of the sort I am speaking often can not be fully washed away. The scent.... lingers.

This thread boils down to:

From another post I made:

A quick google of “rendering works” showed happy server farms quietly plugging away at animation. Given the other meaning of rendering, I think I’ll be glad that this is the one I got.

Regardless, sugar wagon in context is a stock hauler like the one pictured above, carrying pigs, and the rear sluice is open. And that

Sitting on a motorcycle hemmed in on the highway stopped dead in blazing August heat while wearing full gear, and that state trooper over there means you can’t do dick about it.

This. There is nothing worse than getting stuck behind a sugar wagon. NOTHING.