
I thank FSM that the one miserable year I spent selling cars straight out of college happened well before the time of dash cams, because this was me and every other salesman I worked with, minus the ignorance on the product.

Almost 20 years as an insurance adjuster. It’s a rear window, or, if you’re talking with old guys, a backlight. I am sure there are people in the business that say rear windshield, but I’ve never met them.

And I have no idea why it would be called a backlight, nor if that spelling is correct. But it is a term I’ve

RobertDIY is excellent if you have a Volvo 850, S70, V70, or C70. Just fantastic stuff.

This, by lots. He makes great videos.

My dad grew up in the mountains of western North Carolina. As a kid, we spent many summers there on my grandparents’ farm. Every mountain had these same sort of gravel run-off ramps and I asked what they were. Dad told me and it was pretty grim but not entirely real. The next trip up it became quite real as we passed

Mad want.

Tires for sure. Fuel tanks are designed not to explode. They do eventually fail, but not with the boom a hot heavy load tire does.

Motorcycle. Rent a car or uber when you need to haul something :P

Fortunately for most of the population, there is no specific policy exclusion for general stupidity. There are specific instances where claims can be denied for willful stupid, but this is not one, at least not here in Virginia.

We’re almost to hydrolock season here. That joyful time when the rains come, the drainage system fails, and people drive their cars anyway, and then turn in claims. And I’m the guy that comes out to wherever the car you destroyed is and gets to write it, awful smell and all.

The best, so far, was a tow truck. It takes

I love the Keith Code reference. Spot on.

I see it as good news for those of us who don’t live in California. If you lot can successfully get this idea legalized and accepted, the odds for the rest of us just got far better.

Hey now, my BMW’s motor is 100% reliable. 16 years of service and it runs strong with all but no maintenance.

This. I’m utterly boggled that jalopniks of all people are whining about someone who wants to see people drive their freaking cars instead of sitting them in a box somewhere. Every time a Goodwood post comes up a whole lotta wood is the result, yet here we have someone saying the exact idea that Goodwood itself is

So I’m an insurance adjuster. I’m the guy that comes in to see your car after you’ve done something terrible to it. I see your car at its’ absolute worst. And a major part of my job is seeing past the terrible things you’ve done* to that pile of rubber, steel, and rust to see what it once was.

I dig the FZ series, so interested to see how this turns out. I would be interested in comments about ergos and rideability honestly. While this is not the size class for me, a buddy of mine is glancing in this direction, and the FZ10 might be right in his wheelhouse. Ergos are important though because he’s beat up.

This is why I won’t do shift work, or work second shift in general. I want the ability to have a social life (not that I generally choose to have one). That said, I work from home and have done so for the better part of twenty years. It’s 1148p, I just finished dinner, and am about to toss another couple of hours into

I need extra like buttons for this article.

I’d love to try the sammie lifestyle. I wanted one desperately badly when they came out, and still want one. Unfortunately, I can never find a decent model when I look. They always show up when I’m broke.

I would spend the rest of my life mad that I couldn’t afford it.