
Here’s a pic of Molle looking out the window of a plane. Close enough?

Hopefully the internet will get a hold of this one and use its’ powers for good for a change.

Maybe puttering around at low speed in the city feels good without a lid, but any sort of real riding gets highly unpleasant sans a helmet.

This is a big deal. It represent HD at least trying to modernize. It’s going to seriously affect me in the future as well, as it means I can’t rag on them for being over-priced, low-tech, outdated status pieces. Just going to have to go with overpriced status piece, which is just not as evocative, dammit.

What an interesting question. My feet were under my chair as I read that line. Paying attention to them, they’re just barely under my chair or not terrible far forward of it, and move out only to stretch here and there. I also literally never lean against the seat back for any meaningful time. And that’ analogous to

The Mighty Max is probablyt he most underrated, and toughest, of its’ peers in that era. Amazing little trucks. Buddy of mine had one and we beat the piss out that thing all while keeping it running with shoestring and bailing wire.

My local ducati dealer was basically the same way. Same with the local indian dealer. I’ve had my BMW and one of my kawasakis worked on by the duc shop and my honda worked on by indian. I’m not going to own either bike, but will need at least minimal service (tire changes and the like) for as long as I ride.

The indian

No. These aren’t independent dealerships. These are HD dealers, and thus represent their company. If they experience happened, the company as a whole tacitly approves, else that saleslizard wouldn’t have done it.

The only person that buys a new harley is one that is sold on it before ever walking into the dealership.

As an X’er approaching 45, I can say the same. I was vaguely interested in ratbike harleys for a while, but realized 1) that I don’t like riding cruiser, 2) that harleys are terrible, and 3) that there’s all sorts of lovely metric v-twins around to turn into perfectly good v-twin ratbikes if I ever lose my mind and

And forward controls suck, IMO. They’re for looking cool, not actually riding like you mean it.

I started riding at six years old, no lie. Had my first serious wreck at 6 too. I grew out of the little JR50 and my mom essentially refused to allow another motorcycle in the house. There was no money, dad was due for another PCS (army, 24 years), etc. Always a plausible excuse. 17 or so, dad gets another bike and I

Thank you. I’ve said this to many, many people. Told them it was an easy, low investment way to find out if they reeeeally wanted to ride a bike.

I wasn’t arguing with you. I was adding to what you were saying. Most people seem to labor under the illusion that the poor souls bereft of social safety net will simply wither away. This is a mistaken assumption. In other words, I am saying that there are greater dangers here than just poor people dying off, which

Well, they “care” in the sense that they provide farm subsidies. They’ll subsidize the shit outta the businesses that make the food. But they don’t care that telling people to starve is basically the same as telling them to riot.

In a country with functional infrastructure and food production, people do not “starve and die”. They “starve and riot and break shit and burn the motherfucker down” until they get food. In other words, food riots. There were more than a few articles that pegged the Arab Spring to soaring food prices and inability of

Driven a couple of these. Still ranks as one of my favorite cars. Love em.

Star for the disclaimer at the end. Good show.

Self-driving trucks will “fix” the problem soon enough. Then driving will be a no-paying job :/

We need a functional labor movement, period.