
I loved that movie as a kid.

I use “loss” and “incident”, never “accident” in places where anyone involved might hear/see. Why? Because some people get wound up over that word for stupid reasons.

Thank you so much. It was making me itch to see those words being used like that.

Because you haven’t slid or picked up someone who has.

Buddy of mine was doing around town riding like you’re talking about monday. Good rider, some track experience, taking an easy curve at 45mph or so and a rock or something jammed into the left side caliper on his front wheel. Because he did the exact right things,

Digging on Don Canet’s 1st in class and 2nd overall with the electric Victory Empulse. That’s good stuff. There’s a stock Empulse at a local dealer and it looks like stupid fun.

Abrasive indeed. And, yes, brexit. I’m reading anecdotal reports of the incidents of racism, xenophobia, and abuse on the upswing in the short time since the vote and am aghast. I honestly fear the exact same consequence here should things go how they might.

Honestly, I’d hug you if I could. You rock. Your civility is a breath of fresh air. I’d like to see some sort of movement as well, though perhaps in a different direction. Regardles, I am incredibly grateful for this discussion. I’m enormously frustrated right now (in no small part thanks to the brexit fiasco) and

I’ve had a jackstand collapse on me. Changing out the trans on a 96 windstar. Shit job, made shittier when the jackstand collapsed. I happened to have my palm under the bumper and my elbow was on the concrete, so my forearm was what kept the bumper from landing on my face. My buddy Josh moved heroically quick to get a

I think you’ve touched on the root of the issue, and that is culture.Culture is the problem, and from multiple directions. As we’ve touched on, the type of firearm overwhelmingly involved in crime is handguns, yet we argue over a type of weapon, semiautomatic rifles, that used in a stunningly slim percentage of

It is indeed possible, and entirely refreshing. Thank you.

I’m perfectly happy with said qualifications, though I disagree that they aren’t tools. Weapons ARE tools. Tool is a broad classification and weapon is a subset.

Very little disagreement there. There has been some positive improvement, but precious little. So differing by degrees. Cheers.

It’s just suspect as shit to say that the only purpose is killing, which is clearly false. Frankly, quite a few types of firearms are bloody terrible at killing because they are very definitely designed for target shooting, benchrest, and the like. They can get the job done, but there are considerably better tools out

No. Cannons were in no way made at home. Not even close. They were extremely difficult to make and required foundries. An old friend of mine worked in the foundry at Colonial Williamsburg, and cannon making was something they had to be fully conversant in. Reading through the history of cannons and so forth you

Dude, I don’t care about your politics, and I understand you’re angry and trying to make a point, but said point is demonstrably incorrect. Lots and lots of laws, and they’re regularly used to put people in jail, shut down bad actors, etc. Not trying to say they’re perfect, or even good, but they exist.

From another post:

There are entire books worth of laws regarding firearms. Don’t kid yourself.

300 million guns, roughly 255 million cars, in the USA. Stats show 10.2 deaths per 100k due to cars and 2.2 per 100k for guns. Do you really want to play that card?

Why is it pretending? I don’t hunt and never expect to use a long range rifle to snipe at a human, yet I enjoyed taking my scoped .270 out to the range to produce small groups of holes. It was a thoroughly useless skill for me to work on, but I liked it nonetheless.

While I’m with you in that it’s a terrible argument, private citizens most assuredly did own weapons of war. Lots of cannons were in private hands in that period.