The whole thing has been hilarious. I mean, it’s not like we’re talking about $9k in stereo stolen from a base model focus hatchback. That’s some serious business (and, sadly, a real claim I’ve handled.)
The whole thing has been hilarious. I mean, it’s not like we’re talking about $9k in stereo stolen from a base model focus hatchback. That’s some serious business (and, sadly, a real claim I’ve handled.)
Oh, of course. But we live and breathe exceptions, riders, and precise language. No need to be sloppy when we’re talking ATV’s on the internet :D
Because that boilerplate is common in virtually every standard auto policy in most states. There are a handful that are weird about that shit, but it’s still a good example of the language used in common policies.
Just because it’s excluded from the usual boilerplate does not in any way mean that the product does not exist. The insurance industry will insure just about anything if you are willing to pay a high enough premium (How many hollywood starlets have insured their legs against damage?). You either purchase the…
Beautiful stuff.I love how stripped down and utilitarian they are, and then you get the one that is still gorgeous in design as if to spite the spartan aesthetic common to the breed.
“Formula Squeaktoy” is a properly derisive name. I suggest we set to spreading it.
Yes, this! I love the cb500x. If I had the spare scratch I’d be all over it, and would proceed to spend myself down the rabbit hole with Rally raid goodness.
Because elitism sells.
Physics does not work that way. Unless the car drives laterally into the side of the stopped car, the odds are incredibly slim that the stopped car will pin the officer if it moves. And, frankly, unless the vehicle striking the stopped car is going at a stupidly high rate of speed or is massive, that car is simply not…
Marvel did this storyline many, many years ago. J Jonah Jameson’s son was an all-american boy type that became an astronaut and was bombarded with some sort of space rays that gave him incredibly enhanced strength. Unfortunately, he had very little control over it and kept wrecking everything around him. It ruined his…
As an aside, I worked an Agreed Value Policy on a highly customized mustang show/drag car. Guy paid Nationwide good money for Agreed Value (essenially Replacement Value, except you set the value), and Nationwide tried to say the car had to be depreciated from the agreed value. I blew a fuse.
Depends on the state. Some states bundle in Uninsured/underinsured Motorist Property Damage into every policy (I wish more would). This means if you have an existing policy, even liability only, and some jackassery like this happens, UMPD/UIMPD kicks in and covers the loss.
Usually people that rant on about insurance companies being weasels are whiners who bought insufficient coverage. Bravo to you, The English Guy, for making an informed rant.
I feel dirty for wanting this.
And it’s probably a sub-200cc cycle, yet here in America people look at a guy riding solo on a 250cc and ask why he’s on a girl’s bike.
Indeed. There’s a small Sikh population here and it always boggles me that they can be so fierce when necessary and yet so amazingly friendly and nice all of the rest of the time.
This. Thank you.
Considering that I seriously thought a fly-and-drive to Mississippi to pick up an almost thirty year old Honda Dominator about a week ago, I approve of this idea entirely.
Not that I am likely to buy this, but I certainly could’ve used it today.
Oh, I’m not saying it’s a good option, just the most viable one for some of those junkpiles. Salvage bids have sucked for a while now, basically since cash for clunkers. And it’s doubly irritating because LKQ parts have gotten more expensive.