
They have informants that give them tip-offs. They have profiles of various sorts of vehicles. They have all sorts of ways. Not a cop, man, so I'm not going to claim to be privy to the inner workings, but I used to do contract sales to law enforcement agencies, and the guys with the biggest budgets were the drug

Because every state through which i85 and i95 extends runs very serious, credible, and effective drug interdiction ops along those thoroughfares, and said ops are quite effective at nabbing guns as well. When you've got a "sure thing" through a quick couple hour flight, why chance the minivan? The flight may have some

Cold sober, and I read it the same way.

Probably has no accidents because people that get them into accidents tend to utterly maul them. The only times I've written S2000's that weren't totalled it was due to vandalism or partial theft.

This. I'm so damned sick of people getting tapped in the rear bumper and telling me that they're "worried about the transmission." Unless your transmission is made of milk chocolate, it's fine. The only times I've seen meaningful damage to a transmission from a rear-end hit, the car was far beyond saving.

I've written

I hit a patch of wet gravel in a parking lot, traveling at perfectly safe speeds, and the damn bike went sideways. I jumped so as to not get pinned and landed face first. I was wearing one of those aforementioned open helmets with the 70's 3/4 face shield. The edge of the shield hit first and bounced, snapping my head

Your definition of harmless is curious. That did not look like a race track, and he apparently hit 150mph. That is not harmless. He may not have hit anyone in that video but that sort of behavior is the opposite of harmless.

I like older volvos. I have a 91 240 sedan with power everything, sunroof, etc. Sunroof is old and slow and I take a chance of it deciding to crap out any time I open it. The power windows are likewise old, slow, and waiting on the worst moment to go. I found an 88 240 wagon with no sunroof, manual windows, no heated

We have the largest concentration of Water Mocs outside the Everglades sitting in a public park locally. I average seeing at least one Moc for every three trips to the park. And in the history of this park, there has been exactly one Water Moc bite and it was a dry strike on a herpetologist that admitted he made a

I only wish I had customers this aware. The vast majority of them are more like, "It's making a noise," followed by, "I don't know. A noise. You're the expert, you tell me," when I ask them what sort of noise.

The video above with the bad wheel bearing is showing a car that is INSANELY dangerous. If you do not have the money to maintain your vehicle in at least a minimally safe manner, you do not have the money to own said vehicle in the first place.

Because this isn't about you. It's about the guy with his kids in the car

Right on. Absolutely great video, thanks.

This. Intermodal containers are basically disposable. If they are damaged enough to warrant repairs (ie anything more than scratches or minor dents), they're generally written off. The chassis for those boxes are just as bad. They're largely disposable as well, and all but cursory attention paid to them. They stack

This. Currently building a volvo 240 chump car and trying to keep it NASA-legal to run it in rallies too.

I don't have a link, but there is a long, in-depth, and fantastic video on that car on youtube.

Completely agree with the title of this post. I've quietly lusted for the 2002 for many a year now, my dirty little automotive secret what with my public disdain for anything BMW. This review both explains perfectly why I want one, and makes me want one even harder. Le sigh.

This is the sort of complete win you really don't expect from mainline automakers.

There isn't a blessed thing that I've found here in Tidewater. The sort of soil you usually find around here isn't really conducive to it. This is why I'm working on a Chump Car build to do enduro at VIR. I'd much rather do rally stuff, but haven't really found anything reasonably close.

Safe in regards to pedestrians and traffic, not so much for your ride. Curbs suck.

Here for Kamaz.