Fuck yes. All day long.
Fuck yes. All day long.
Cord did it with undeniable style.
SVT or SVO. History for both badges is solid.
And the SVT Contour was fantastic. Wish I could've gotten one.
And, for the record, I prefer European style seats over American seats in general. The initial feel is weird compared to cushy American seats, but the long-term survivability of my ass in those seats prefers the…
About a decade back, a buddy of mine was employed by a linen operation, and twice a week made an easy four hour round trip from the plant in Portsmouth to one in Richmond, largely on I64. Once you get past about Williamsburg, I64 is basically straight and largely featureless. Well, somewhere in there he lost it,…
I just want to be able to own and drive a Suzuki Sambar here in the US. Is it too much to ask for a cabover microtruck, dammit?
This makes me happy.
This. Lots. As an insurance adjuster, I see modified cars totaled all the time, and the owners always freak out when they see how little their mods are actually worth. Thankfully, these days some other poor bastard handles the total losses. I just write them til they die.
I could sit here and type for about an hour about the stupidly over-complicated modern cars (unibody straightness sensors in mercedes), but the article captured it well.
What I am going to say is it boggles me that people want self-driving cars with all of the above in mind.
Cam here to say this. Clearly you want to make reasonable attempts to make sure the vehicles isn't listed as stolen or has an unsatisfied lien on it, as those can complicate things, but otherwise the abandoned car route works fine. I've advised a few people to go that route.
There is also a way to do it if you happen…
Been a Virginia resident for more than 25 years now, and got my driver's license in this state. Actually, even though I've lived outside VA during that time, I don't think I've had a driver's license anywhere else. Aaaanyway, yeah, wow, do NOT speed in Virginia. Specifically, really, really, really DO NOT SPEED NEAR…
Complete agreement. Over the past month or so I've been looking for a beater as a back-up to the various family cars we own. I almost cried when I found a beautiful Suzuki Samurai in great shape and in my price range because I couldn't justify buying it when I need a people hauler. Then I found an early 90's miata in…
Not in Atlanta, but last night I saw a car for parts on Craigslist and the poster flat admitted that he can't get the title because it has a title lien on it. Little bit special.
So. Much. WANT.
Taking a short break from writing estimates on wrecked cars and trucks, at least some of which were the result of fast-moving objects slamming into other objects not moving the exact same speed and direction as the fast-moving object.
Speed does not kill. Empirically correct when looked at by itself. As many posters…
"The new filter can be put on without noticing that the gasket from the old filter was stuck to the engine."
I remember some twenty years ago sitting in an office building going for a job I wasn't really sure I wanted. There were five or six people there with me for the same position and they gave us all written personality tests, ostensibly to see if we were a match for the job. These were simple either-or questions, but I…
I have one of those somewhere, wow.
Depends. I drive a $2.2k truck and have more than liability. My state requires UMP, but I would carry it anyway, and I also run comprehensive, and with a fairly low deductible ($250). Honestly, it's dirt cheap. Get your car keyed, a windshield broken, eat some debris from another vehicle while driving, etc and the…
Sort of. The first thing to remember is that the nomenclature is different per state. The terms you used are broadly correct in the majority of sections, with the exception of Uninsured Motorist. And that is expected as, frankly, it's probably the coverage with the single most variance state to state.
Note - I am not arguing that a self-driving car would not have prevented this loss, simply that these sort of situations occur. A proper autonomous rig would've slowed down in the construction zone, etc.